Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Come on Ghost Hunters!

Come on! People, wake up! Why does anyone call these folks? I just watched the episode that originally aired last week, where they were investigating a bungalow and home next door. At the end, the client WAS NOT happy. Once again, they didn't get shit. Embarrassing. She got 2 EVP's that knocked out anything the Hunters got. Then they had the nerve to tell her they couldn't be 100% sure about hers because they didn't know how she did it. Jason, SHE did it right! You come in and don't get anything, and the client literally kicks your ass, and you DOWNPLAY it. You are clowns. Yeah, she seemed pissed off at you idiots, and I don't blame her. Then you try to explain her anger off as disappointment that you didn't contact her old friends. No, it's because you spent 2 nights in her home and didn't get a smell. My dad had a saying. I'm adapting it: "If you were ghost hunting for shit you wouldn't get a smell." And then you NEVER, EVER stay until 3am, the Anti-Hour. How can you tell a client that there's nothing evil if you don't stay when they might come out to play. IDIOTS! IDIOTS! I've never known ghost hunters that have a bedtime, and they stick to it! I challenge you Jason to let me join you on a hunt. And you don't have to air anything. I just want to show you people how this shit works. First, you'd drop the flashlights. You need total darkness. I thought you might have known that. The episode before this one, I definitely heard a GROWL, and you tell the client there's nothing evil. DUMB SHITS! You're going to get someone hurt one day, and I wish they'd sue you. You give people a false sense that there's no evil, and they let their guard down. I would love to follow your investigations. I bet by spending dusk to dawn I could get more evidence by myself than you get in 2 nights with your massive crew and equipment. So Jason, humble yourself and let me come in with you, just once. You have been doing this for a long time, and you break almost every rule there is to break. Are you afraid? I think you are. I'm afraid your bungling is going to hurt someone. I think you do more damage than good. And dear readers of this blog, write SyFy and tell them that the Ghost Hunters are idiots. Stop watching, it just validates their ignorance. They get these great sites, and don't get hardly anything. I'm glad that client was pissed. I am too! The way you move your flashlights wildly, maybe you should become burglars. At least you's GET SOMETHING! Maybe...

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