Sunday, March 15, 2015

Oops, Big Mistake Part II

I've been asked about the earlier post, when I "opened" a door. That was the first mistake. I made many more, as I don't believe I was thinking right. I changed...this is what I have been told. I was a happy go-lucky kind of guy, never too serious. I became the anti-thesis of that. Short-tempered, easily swayed. Miserable human-being.

It started slowly. First, I found myself in places I didn't remember going to, and why I was there. Like in the garage. It was like a trance, and then I come out of it. I'd look around, and wonder why I came out here. The garage became the portal, I believe. I believe this is where, "the door opened." To lose time...and your mind like that scared me. I mean, could I become a killer? Could I be manipulated into doing something? I'm not sure. I believe if you are already a sociopath, it wouldn't be a stretch. I feel bad about killing bugs. So, I think it just depends.

Next, things started flying off shelves, and even shelves in my closets. BANG! I'm mean, this wasn't gravity, this was throwing things with force. It would scare me many times. It would happen during the day or night. And I jumped. It started changing my mood. I was one pissed-off hombre. This is not me. But when you're in the middle, I guess it is me.

Next came touching. Scratching. Pushing. Breathing in my ear. All the scratches came in a series of 3. 3 lines. I guess this is an insult to the Holy Trinity. That told me this was not good spirit, this was bad. Demon...Zozo...I don't know. Mean. I heard growls. Wow.

In the meantime, my life was suffering. Lost my job because my alarm would be turned off, even though I know I set it. That wasn't the whole reason I was fired. My boss said that I had changed. I was snappy. I was mad all the time. And why or what I was mad at, I don't know. Bills I had in a pile to pay would disappear. So, I've had to pay late fees, etc., and I've never paid late in my life.

I have no friends now. They all left me hanging, I guess I scared them. I'd try to explain, but how do explain something you can't see? There are no words.

I bought sage, and black salt. I went around smudging the whole place. I said you are not welcome anymore. I got the Ouija board out, and by smashing my hand down on the board, I said with this I do CLOSE this door.

So far so good. I am still remembering things about my struggles. I am finding the things that were lost in the weirdest places; places I know I would never put important items. You know, I didn't leave the house for 2 months. I'm getting out. Getting sunshine. I'm sure I'm missing some points, and when I remember more, I will write. Until then, thank you for your interest.

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