Friday, February 22, 2019

The Demon House

The Demon House recently aired on the Travel Channel. It is a documentary about a home in Gary, Indiana. It was occupied by an African-American family. They had many horrific events, a lot of them involving the children. There are social workers, a priest, and others who witnessed this activity.
Google it for more information.

So, Zak Bagans (ZB) from Ghost Adventures bought the house sight unseen. My father had a saying, "some people have more money than sense." He and a crew went to Gary to investigate. First he had to evict squatters. Then he tried to interview the family. They wanted nothing to do to with it. Of course they had also been offered big money for movie rights from a Hollywood producer. The producer even called and threatened ZB to not make the documentary or he would get sued. A brother of the family was willing to talk, and afterwards they refused to let him back in the house, claiming something was attached to ZB, and it might be attached to him. So there was real fear there. Some have called it a hoax. After watching this, it's not a hoax. There are evils out there that we as humans have no clue about. They have existed for centuries. For there to be good, there must be evil. As Father Mike from Gary, IN said, "the unclean."

This changed ZB's life. He found out the hard way there are things you shouldn't mess with. Some may feel he had it coming. He has been known to mistreat his "friends." Like fellow crew members Jay Wasley and Aaron Goodwin. During one scene in the house ZB is overcome with anger. He pushes Jay around, telling him to get the F**k out. Jay strikes me as a gentle soul. He takes it. Later in the show, when one of the cameramen working for ZB gets overcome with the same sort of anger/possession, it is comical to see the fear ZB shows, I mean when this cameraman's coming at ZB, he's retreating back to Jay and Billy Tolley. If he could only see that he has been that same to to people who care about him. Those same people he's retreating to for cover. He can be an ass. I've seen it many times on Ghost Adventures. He can be mean.

Well, now he is marked. I'm just going to say that he gets himself locked into the house with no exit. First he hears a guttural goat sound from the demon. Then he said he sees a black cloud come out of the wall. Soon his eyes begin hurting. He later is diagnosed with an eye affliction which causes him to see double. He has to wear prism glasses 24/7. That is the mark of the beast. He will carry that till the day that he dies. And when he does, his faith better be strong or he will be the demon's bitch for eternity.

Watch this documentary. If you don't believe in the supernatural or demons, watch. This is not a movie. This is real with no special effects. Watch innocent people get over come with attachments that almost cause their deaths. One by suicide, and another who spend just a few hours in the Demon House, and a day later all his organs begin shutting down. And if you're not a big ZB fan, watch to see this man get marked for eternity. I just hope he realizes that good people and friends are far and few between, and he begins treating them with respect. I hope he at least learned a lesson from this. If not, he will be the Devils bitch. BTW, Ghost Adventures new season begins this Saturday on the Travel Channel 02/23/19. Get a look at those glasses!!!!

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