Friday, February 8, 2013

My Ghost Story/Caught On Camera

First, let me state my disappointment in what was my favorite show, "Ghost Adventures." Last week was another best of, and tonight's show is another. Now, if you've never seen the show, it's probably great. Cuts out a lot of dead air. Loyal viewers like myself are once again disappointed. I've even taken the show off my DVR recording list. What is going on? I figured last week their 100th episode would be new. Nope. Episode 101 is "Bewitched & Bothered," which is another rerun basically. Most shows celebrate 100 episodes. I guess the Travel Channel doesn't. Are they having difficulty getting results? Is Zak the new Ryan Buell? Are the spirits wise to them, and tired of being trained seals to perform for the masses? Spirits were people, and you can't treat them like a side-show act. Where's the show headed? I guess time will tell.

So this week I'm talking about "My Ghost Story/ My Ghost Story: Caught On Camera." For those who are new to Paranormal TV, these are great shows. Hell, I like them. Here you have amateur and unknown to the public paranormal teams. They get some great evidence. And, if you're a seasoned viewer, it's fun to watch and catch the scenes that probably aren't paranormal. I've seen a few where "orbs" are bugs and/or dust. But that doesn't stop them! No cynics debunking. It's great. I've also seen some very compelling evidence. Let me say, if the spirits are getting tired of performing for the pros, they have no such reservations for these folks. If you like lots of action without a lot of commentary, these shows are wonderful. I give them 5 out of 5 stars, especially the "Caught On Camera" shows. Which is what Bio is airing mostly. You can catch this show many times during the week, but the new episodes air on Fridays at 9pm eastern. Ironically the same time as the new "Ghost Adventures" shows air. Guess what I'll be watching tonight.

There is a cousin of  to these shows. "Celebrity Ghost Stories," which also airs on Bio Channel. These shows feature real celebs, and fairly decent re-enactments. Not quite as good the "Caught On Camera" but OK. This is the show that led to Kim Russo's show "The Haunting of..." I've already covered that show, so I'll leave with a couple of thoughts.

Come on "Ghost Adventures." You were the cream of the crop. How about some new investigations? Also, "Ghost Mine" is fast becoming a favorite of mine. The episodes are building, and I can't wait until the next one. That's a good sign. The two paranormal investigator's would give Zak and crew a run for their money. They already are. "Ghost Mine" is my new favorite. Catch them at 9pm or 10pm Eastern on Wed. on Sy-Fy. Next week they are taking the 9 o'clock slot from "Ghost Hunters." Good call!

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