Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ghost Mine

I will try to do my posts on Thursdays here on out. "Ghost Mine," which is a new show, airs on Wed. at 10  Eastern on SY-FY. I will talk about it in a sec, but I just wanted to mention a show I've talked about before, "Ghost Hunters." A new episode aired last night, and I want to tell you, I'm really not impressed. Are these folks ever without a flashlight? Jason and Dave were walking around and they looked like burglars casing a joint for things to rob. They were jerking their lights around, constantly moving them up, down, sideways and back. I am surprised they ever get any evidence. I have never seen people that get paid to do what they do act so stupidly. Since a film crew follows them around, they have their hands free to survey every god-damn sound they hear. It's one thing to see where you are going, but it's another to never be in darkness. Are they scared? Let me say this: I'm done. They can do with this show whatever they want, but I'm done watching. It used to be kind of funny. Now it's just people bumbling their way through a location, flashlights blazing. Don't watch. There is a show that that follows their time slot that I think is great. It's called "Ghost Mine."

Ghost Mine takes place in Sumpter, OR at the old Crescent Mine. I've been to Sumpter, it's a cool town. A Texas oilman is re-opening the mine looking for gold. There are about 8 miners, all hit hard by unemployment and the economy. They are there to feed their families. Miners are very superstitious, especially the underground ones. They aren't too happy to have a couple of paranormal investigators around. Especially one with red hair. They are pretty rude to them in episode 1, and make their feelings known. They don't want them near the mine when they mining. They thought the paranormal folks would only go in after the shifts are over. They are quite rude, but underground mining is a very dangerous occupation. Sumpter has a huge dredge that was used in the late 1800's that is still on-site. A local Native American believes the whole town is cursed because of the scars done to the land by the dredge.

I've watched the first 3 episodes, and I'm liking it. One old miner is working, and hears 3 distinct knocks. He calls them Tommy Knockers, and when he hears these knocks, he's gone. He says," let's get the hell out of here." And I mean he leaves the site. He refuses to ever set foot in there again. He says there are good Knockers and bad. He thinks these are bad. Patrick and Kristen, (the paranormal folk), are getting evidence quickly. They have cameras set up, so they can watch as the miners work. The paranormal crew goes into to where the miners were and start an EVP session. They are hearing all kinds of things. Sounds of metal clashing, sounds of someone walking, when they are the only ones there. They also discover a new cave-in, proving the Tommy Knocker and the old miner right. I'm going to stop. I'm not going for play for play, I'm just giving you folks my opinion on these types of shows.

Kristen and Patrick have 25 years experience. The miners are all mostly very experienced. This is the best paranormal show to come on TV since "Ghost Adventures." I mean it's exciting! It's real! It's worth an hour of your time. Today they are showing the first 3 episodes back-to-back at 2pm Eastern. Watch! Great show.

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