Thursday, March 21, 2013

Updates of Previously Reviewed/Supernatural Sisters

I have taken a couple of weeks off to watch some of the latest shows airing new episodes. Let's get started.

"Stranded" is turning into a fairly decent show. Last nights episode was kind of painful though. The female in the trio was so scared, it became painful to my eyes but especially my ears. I do feel sorry for her. But I have never seen anyone that freaked out. When left alone she started whimpering, then screaming and sobbing uncontrollably. To be honest even the guys were scared. Even the skeptic came around. If they continue to use good locations, and maybe screen future "guests" a little better, it could be good.

"Haunted Collector" has also proved to be pretty good into this new season. I like all the characters, and they know what they're doing. Here's one thing I've noticed...every out-come so far this season has been a success. They remove an item, and poof...ghost's are gone! I have a bit of a hard time with that. But it is the paranormal, and since so much is still unknown, I can't at this time call total bullshit.

"Ghost Adventures" came close to hitting the bottom of the barrel with "First-Timer's," which had a few celebs and contest winners, first-timers so to speak. So it was another best-of, which has to be ending because I don't think they can scrape up anymore catchy titles. Tomorrow night's show looks like it will be a new case..."Return to Goldfield." This is where they got on someone's radar to become what they are today. Goldfield, Nevada is a great location. I'm actually looking forward to this one. I do hope they truly went back, and are not "returning" with showing us old clips. We'll see.

"Dead Files" has been good. I like Amy, and I don't think she's fake. Also, they like to investigate family homes,  and that's cool too. I've never ever seen a show "advertise" for people having problems. But there they were during a commercial break, Amy & Steve asking people to go to the website and submit their problems and locations. Nice!

The last show that was new I watched was "Supernatural Sisters." (Bio Sat. at 10 eastern) Since there was only one episode it's really hard to judge, and it's looking like that will be it. I don't know for sure, or if the ratings sucked, but if it's never seen again it really won't be missed. It revolved around 2 sisters from New Jersey. Or New York or somewhere in that area. It reminded me of "The Long Island Medium," except she's entertaining. I got the feeling that the sisters were not as clairvoyant as they claimed. I don't expect anymore shows from them.

I also spent the last 2 weeks pondering what I've been writing, and even wondering if all of this is a waste of time. Look, I know ghosts exist. There is no other explanation. When I was a young child I had an imaginary friend...invisible to others, but I could see him. I called him Casey, because that's the name he told me. I'm not sure, but I had a distant cousin named Casey who died at a young age. Was it him? I don't know. I also had a brother who died as a baby, and maybe it was him. He would have been one-year older than myself. But whoever it was helped this shy, reserved kid make through some trying childhood times.

In 2010, I lost another brother to Alzheimer's. I cared for him for 6 years in my home. It was truly 36-hour days. Shortly after he passed, he returned to my home. I could hear him pacing in his bedroom, just as he did when alive. Here's what I think. He died and didn't know it. His brain wasn't functioning hardly at all, and I believe he didn't even know he was dying. So he came back to the last known location. It all came to a head when he started knocking things off shelves, in anger I'm sure because either I wasn't paying attention to him, (I couldn't see him), or just angry at where he was. After he knocked a large object of a shelf in the bedroom that could have never fallen itself it scared me to the point of anger. It startled me, and I said in a loud voice, "Ted, you are dead! Look for a white light and go towards it goddamn-it." I repeated it again, and that night the pacing stopped. He was gone! So what I said must have been true. There must-have been a light, and he walked through. At least that's what I hope. Rest in peace...dear brother.

Friday, March 8, 2013


"Stranded" is the latest paranormal TV show, building on the ever increasing belief in ghosts. It takes a different group of "contestants" each week, and places them for 5 days and 4 nights into a haunted location. They are given ghost hunting tools, and bring in their own food.

The first episode was pretty good. Mostly from what I've seen so far is these people are friends, and each has varying beliefs in the paranormal. It is fairly interesting, and some evidence is actually gathered, some known, some undiscovered by the contestants and shown to us after the fact. Now, the first episode kept me entertained, but here's my problem. I can't remember where they were, or what their names were. I don't think it's forgetfulness, it's that it's all forgettable. Both the location and the people.

The producers leave some things for the contestants to discover. They leave facts about the house or building, and also info on the deceased folks that happened to reside there. Next was the 2nd episode which was a little disappointing. It was 3 "musicians" who really had no training in the use of equipment, and who basically fumbled their way through the entire filming process. That was very forgettable. Now, having remembered some of these facts, I'm starting to remember that the 1st episode was a hotel or something like that on an island. They were taken by private boat, and dropped off. Now that is truly "stranded." That is the locations the producers should be looking for. No escape. Make these people feel like they have nowhere to go. In the 2nd, they were driven to the location. It was on the ocean and fairly secluded. Not bad. But this episode wasn't as good. It could be that not all people are meant to be on TV. The characters were blase', and it didn't work in the producers favor. I will continue watching, because I think the premise is solid, it's just they need some really haunted locations that creak and crack, and be a little more careful in the selection process of the contestants. Make sure they either get a crash course in the equipment or are amateur ghost hunters. In other words, give me a call.

"Stranded" airs on the Sy-Fy channel Wednesday's at 9pm Eastern. Episode 3 will be at the West Virginia State Penitentiary, (which we know is haunted and been visited by "Ghost Adventures" and "PRS."), and will feature an ex-cop, his sister and her husband. That might be good! I give this show 3 1/2 stars, great premise, but poor casting sometimes, and location DOES matter. If next week turns out like I think it should, maybe then it will be 4 star entertainment.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Notice To Producers/ Hire the Constantino's

Last night while watching the latest "Ghost Adventure," Debby & Mark Constantino made a guest appearance. Any producer's or TV execs need to look at giving them their own TV show. They are fantastic. I love how Debby practices what I have been preaching for a long time; Show respect to the spirits, check your ego at the door, and watch the evidence pile up.

That is becoming the problem with a lot of these shows, the groups have no respect for the spirits they are trying to contact, and they wonder why they don't get much action. Debby is very respectful to the dead, and she gets results. Doesn't that make sense? How can you go in with an attitude and expect the dead to perform like trained seals? Would anyone perform on demand being asked by an egomaniac? Give this couple their own show. They have proven time and again that they can get Class A EVP's, and they are so good at understanding what they hear. Plus the kindness that they show would add up to a hit! So come on Bio, Travel Channel, and Sy-Fy. Hire this couple and give them a forum. They were truly the highlight on last night's show, being upstaged only by the medium that took Zak on a little walk in the dark. What I think would be really great is if Aaron went with them. Aaron is also very respectful, and he usually gets more results than Zak and Nick. It's gone to their heads. I want to see a show with the Constantino's and Aaron. So let's get it done...I'm sure I'm not the only one. It would be a hit, and maybe show the Ryan Buell's, Jason Hawes, and even Zak what it's all about. Because these folks have lost their way. Time to get back on track.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Haunted Collector

First, kind of disappointed by the abrupt end of "Ghost Mine." No warning, no notice if it's coming back. Also, watched a few new episodes of the "Ghost Hunters." Not much to report except how do these folks get people to call them? The last location was an amusement park on Lake Oneida in New York that was huge. Here's my biggest complaint. Mr. Roto-Rooter calls an end to the investigation at 2:30am. Anyone worth their salt knows that 3am is the Anti-Hour, or Witching Hour. Maybe Jason had to be to work the next day. They were still getting action and he calls it a night. And the owners of the park contacted him! What a through investigation. Amazing.

Now on to "Haunted Collector." New episodes return 03/06/13 on SyFy at 9pm Eastern. Here is a show that got it's exposure from the "Ghost Adventures" crew. In on of the early episodes the crew goes to John Zaffis, who collects items reported to be haunted. They were asking him about trigger objects. I can't remember which place the boy's were investigating, but this is where Mr. Zaffis got his exposure, and probably his own TV show.

John is a likable fellow and his team is too. I watched this show last season, and they had some pretty good cases. These objects that they remove supposedly cause the locations to be haunted. So how does Zaffis store these items without being haunted himself? Glassware. He covers them in glass enclosures. He even has a museum where he houses these items. Now I have no idea if glass is an insulator from the paranormal. But according to him, it works.

This team responds to phone calls and emails from the general public. They check it out to make sure they are not being duped, then head to the location. They first do a sweep with various tools that all paranormal teams use. As it unfolds, they narrow it down to a particular object that is "haunted." Supposedly after removing the object, everybody's happy. No more paranormal activity. This might be a bit of a stretch, but hell, how can we refute it? I guess in watching any paranormal show one must suspend a bit of their reality to believe some of the stuff that gets into final cuts. So, if you think objects can be haunted, and can suspend common sense for an hour this show's for you. Believe me, I've seen worse. I give it 4 out 5 stars because at least these folks know how to use their equipment. Unlike "Ghost Hunters" who once used a Geiger Counter on an investigation. I'll be watching.