Friday, March 1, 2013

Haunted Collector

First, kind of disappointed by the abrupt end of "Ghost Mine." No warning, no notice if it's coming back. Also, watched a few new episodes of the "Ghost Hunters." Not much to report except how do these folks get people to call them? The last location was an amusement park on Lake Oneida in New York that was huge. Here's my biggest complaint. Mr. Roto-Rooter calls an end to the investigation at 2:30am. Anyone worth their salt knows that 3am is the Anti-Hour, or Witching Hour. Maybe Jason had to be to work the next day. They were still getting action and he calls it a night. And the owners of the park contacted him! What a through investigation. Amazing.

Now on to "Haunted Collector." New episodes return 03/06/13 on SyFy at 9pm Eastern. Here is a show that got it's exposure from the "Ghost Adventures" crew. In on of the early episodes the crew goes to John Zaffis, who collects items reported to be haunted. They were asking him about trigger objects. I can't remember which place the boy's were investigating, but this is where Mr. Zaffis got his exposure, and probably his own TV show.

John is a likable fellow and his team is too. I watched this show last season, and they had some pretty good cases. These objects that they remove supposedly cause the locations to be haunted. So how does Zaffis store these items without being haunted himself? Glassware. He covers them in glass enclosures. He even has a museum where he houses these items. Now I have no idea if glass is an insulator from the paranormal. But according to him, it works.

This team responds to phone calls and emails from the general public. They check it out to make sure they are not being duped, then head to the location. They first do a sweep with various tools that all paranormal teams use. As it unfolds, they narrow it down to a particular object that is "haunted." Supposedly after removing the object, everybody's happy. No more paranormal activity. This might be a bit of a stretch, but hell, how can we refute it? I guess in watching any paranormal show one must suspend a bit of their reality to believe some of the stuff that gets into final cuts. So, if you think objects can be haunted, and can suspend common sense for an hour this show's for you. Believe me, I've seen worse. I give it 4 out 5 stars because at least these folks know how to use their equipment. Unlike "Ghost Hunters" who once used a Geiger Counter on an investigation. I'll be watching.

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