Thursday, April 18, 2013

Deep-South Paranormal Episode 2

There hasn't been a lot of new shows about the paranormal coming our way, so I've got a couple of things to say about what is on.

First, the "Haunted Collector" has been new episodes. I think the show is OK, mostly because he has such a good crew. Top-notch. But, the last episode I heard John Zaffis use the F-Word. Something touched his back and he freaked. It was funny, funny! As I've said before, why do all the "pros," (using the term lightly), have to cuss when they get scared? I do my share of cussing, so I'm not some prim little guy that gets his sensibility's hurt. I just get tired of "beep-beep-beep." It's distracting, and since these are supposed to be pros, who KNOW they are being filmed, stupid. There are a lot of reality shows on TV that would only be 15 minutes long is they took out all the bad language. But hearing John drop the bomb, I had to laugh...hard. He was funny. And here's my big gripe about his far this year they are batting a thousand.  Every case they have done has a happy ending. 100% solving rate. These guys could save the world it seems. And rid the world of paranormal. Someone give them a call.

After watching the 2nd episode last night, I'm pretty happy. It's a funny show, and I've heard some new southern sayings that I'd never heard. The old guy that carries a staff, kind of the southern witch-doctor, is great. "My ghost radar's going off like a buck in rutting season." Funny! The best was "We're busier than a stump-tailed cow on fly day!" That was great! Probably only 4 more new episodes coming, so I'm giving them 4 out of 5 stars. They beat the hell out of the great Ryan Buell, and the Supernatural Sisters. It airs at 10 Eastern on Wednesdays on Sy-Fy. It's about the only new show on right now. I don't know what May holds in store, but I'm hoping some of our favorites show new episodes. I'll let you know when I find out something. Happy Hunting!

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