Friday, April 26, 2013

The Ghost Speaks/ GA Crew the Best

Last Fridays "Ghost Adventures" once again showed why these boys are the best in the business. Investigating King's Tavern they proved why. They get more evidence in one investigation than any other professional crew there is. I mean, this was an incredible hour of ghost hunting. It was the best episode from them in a long, long time. This week is another rerun, but I forgive them because of this wonderful episode. If you missed it it's on again tonight, Friday the 26th at 8pm Eastern on the Travel Channel. Ghost busting good!

The latest show from Bio is one of the weakest  TV shows about ghosts I've ever seen. It is called, "The Ghost Speaks" and it is truly the biggest pieces of crap to hit the airwaves in quite some time. Here's the premise.. .people share a haunting experience and guess what? The ghost speaks. But not really. It's voiced over by an actor, and the ghost talks about what's bothering it, why it's there, and the real kicker...who it is. Come on...there is no way to know this, there is no way to prove this, and there certainly is no way to know for fact who the ghost is. This is a steaming pile of crap. It's mostly conjecture, and even though they did show some actual evidence, when the ghost speaks I had to laugh so hard, the iced tea I was drinking shot out of my nose. It's been a while since I've laughed this hard. So I guess there is one redeeming quality to these shows, it will make you laugh. I'm assuming this is a spin-off of "The Killer Speaks." At least with that show it's the real killer. I've watched 3 episodes of that show, and it's pretty good. But this is taking it one step too far. The ghost is speaking lines written by a writer. And not a very good writer. So, 1 out of 4 stars. If you're depressed watch it. It make make you shoot liquid out your nose. But if you're looking for a good ghost show, pass. It airs on Bio Saturday at 10pm Eastern.

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