Monday, May 13, 2013

My Haunted House/ Dead Files Update

First, let me say if you haven't seen "Dead Files" on the Travel Channel, you're missing out. It is becoming one of the best paranormal shows on TV. If Amy is not the real thing, then she should be nominated for an Academy Award. Yes, an Oscar. Because you couldn't make this stuff up. If she's a fake, she writes and performs her own material. And even the greatest actors usually don't write their own material. So, I have to believe in her. The latest episode Friday was a great example. A couple is living in an old tobacco plantation in Virginia. It got so bad there they built a modular home next door, and guess what? The spirits followed them. The main entity haunting them is a black woman who was a slave. And she practiced "Hoodoo," which I had never heard of. As Amy said, Voodoo is a religion, and Hoodoo is a practice of gaining power. And this little black woman has power over all the dead roaming the plantation. She wants the plantation house demolished. Since the clients won't even consider that, Amy said they need to find a practitioner of Hoodoo. And this person has to want the power the black woman holds. It is quite the dilemma. In closing, watch this show!  It is the best show showing new episodes right now.

Deep-South Paranormal is turning out to be a dud. The first couple episodes were OK, but lately it's turning out that these folks are bungling through their investigations. Aside from some pithy southern speak, the rest is crap.

I have another gripe. Why do people say "Intelligent Spirits?" As opposed to Stupid Spirits? I suppose that since there are dumb people in this world, when they pass I suppose they would be dumb on the other side. But what makes a spirit intelligent? Because they can make knocks, slam doors, and communicate? I will say this...if you treat spirits with respect and not ask them stupid questions, I think your success as a ghost hunter will increase. Just my opinion.

Which brings me to the latest paranormal release on the Bio channel, "My Haunted House." It is hard to watch. It seems they are going back many years, when memories fade. And the re-enactments are really all they've got. I have a hard time watching drivel like this. If the producers think this is compelling TV, they are wrong. I will try watching again, but it is one long hour. The show I saw went back to 1973. It lasted about a half-hour, and it was hard to watch and remain engaged. So, I give this show 2 out of 5 stars. I think people want to see real investigations, not re-enactments. It airs Saturdays on Bio at 10pm Eastern. I think you'd be better off watching "Long Island Medium." I will talk more about that next week. Happy ghost hunting!


  1. Long Island Medium? Saw her in person. Hell no! I do happen to like "My Haunted House". I'm starting to get a little tired of all the reality type crap that costs 10 cents to make.

  2. I have just seen one episode of Long Island Medium. She may well be a fraud, but I give her this: She seems to try and bring closure to these people. And what I watched, she succeeded. Now, she may be a great actress, I don't know. But her endgame is genuine. Help people who have suffered loss. Now, My Haunted House probably is one of those that cost 10 cents. And it's basically re-enactments of events that occurred years ago, so I'm sure writers shine the turd a bit, so to speak. Personally I like Ghost Adventure type shows. But Ghost Hunters is another turd that no amount of buffing will make shine. When something worth writing about comes to TV, I'll have a new post. Seems we're in a lull right now.

    1. Paranormal Lockdown is the one you were looking for!!

  3. What?! The Dead Files is SO fake. He meets with the client PRIOR to Amy going in. It's obvious he tells her all of the info. NOONE believes that crap ,but you

    1. We all know he meets with clients before Amy, because...he's a former detective. They say it right at the start if you had watched. He's a retired homicide detective, but he never meets with Amy until the very end. As far as NOONE believing, well in your zeal to hate, you missed the space bar. It is entertainment. You know when you start debating a TV show, you've really missed the point. ENTERTAINMENT. As far as ghosts go, I've experienced things. Unexplained. Some of us are more sensitive than others. With your attitude, you'll never have the insight to be able to tell real from fake. I posted this in May 2013. Way to keep up.

  4. When people say "intelligent spirits" they are referring to a spirit that can communicate, one that knows it is dead. There are resudual hauntings, where a spirit is no longer actually present and you are just encountering their left over energy, like a handprint in cement. And then there are spirits who are not aware that they are passed, and may not even be aware of the people around them.

  5. My Haunted House admits that it is fake; at the beginning, there is the following disclaimer: "The following two stories are inspired by documented paranormal encounters". Plus, you quickly realize that the alleged 1st person accounts, not just the reenactments, are paid actors..It's easy to tell when something is not coming from a 1st person memory. This show insults the viewers' intelligence and gives a bad name to the good shows that are really based on true personal experiences, like My Ghost Story Caught on Camera, A Haunting, The Haunted, Ghosthunters, etc. Those who believe in the paranormal and have experienced it have a hard enough time getting others to believe us; as a result, a show like My Haunted House damages the progress we've made in gaining acceptance that our experiences are based on fact and are real. My Haunted House is a complete waste of time. We don't need to support this drivel.

  6. I actually like A Haunting style stuff including My Haunted house.

    I find the actual investigations dull, the last thing I was as with the dead files is to watch someone walk around and yap about what they supposedly feel. I don't give a damn, I watch it to be scared.

  7. Is the show my haunted house fake like for entertainment or is true stories?

    1. Based on true stories. But, some go waaaay back. Memories fade. I am sure there are producers who "spice up the truth" a bit. Thank you for reading!

    2. Fake and the People recounting the "stories" are actors.

    3. Paranormal TV, enjoy reading your views. You said, "spice up the truth" more like, all spice and no truth. I'm watching the show right now and my impression is a bunch of people sitting in a room brain-storming ideas for these shows. I can imagine them trying to think up the most bizarre ideas pulling from horror B movies. You mentioned Dead Files and I do like that program, Amy is wonderful and I never get the feeling it's made up.

  8. I believe in sprits but some times the shows make me say really��

  9. It takes an experience with a spirit to really believe, which happened to me once in my grandmother's Victorian in Newport, RI. It was in the afternoon when I walked through the front door. A voice said my name in my ear. It was audible and really made me stop in my tracks. I had a few other experiences in that house that was constructed in 1853. I've been a real believer since.
