Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Oops, Big Mistake

In my zeal to know more about the paranormal, I made a big mistake. I had a clean house; I mean there was nothing. After moving my brother on who died in this house, it has been normal. Nothing.

At 3am two nights ago I opened my door wide. I invited any and all spirits into my home. And after last night, I know they came.

First came the creaking down my hallway. My floor squeaks when humans walk on it. Loudly. Last night at 2:21am I was awakened by the sound of someone walking down the hall. For 2 full minutes I laid in bed and heard someone walking up and down the hall. I yelled out, "Who's there?" No answer. But the creaking stopped, and a chill came over me. The hairs were standing up on my legs even. I have never felt anything this strong.

I dozed off, and at 3:01am, I awake to my bed shaking. Not too hard...but enough to get my attention. Once again the hairs were standing. I looked towards the foot of the bed. There was a black, gaseous human-like form standing there. It was slowly moving...like the fog on a lake on a cold morning. Except it was black. I could see it well because of the white wall behind it. I asked, Who are you?" No reply. But slowly the leg and head sections began moving towards the center of itself. When it was about the size of a basketball, it suddenly lit up into a light the size of a tennis ball. From black to brilliant. It then shot off towards the window and disappeared.

I laid there, making sure I was awake. Because I thought it was a dream. I pinched myself...and it hurt. I was awake, and what I saw was real.  Naturally, I had nothing to capture this event running. I will never make that mistake again. I understand that 3am is the anti-hour. This is supposedly when the dark spirits become active. Well, I saw something dark. And it made me feel...angry. I don't know why. I was really pissed off, but why? Then a feeling of nausea overcame me. I got out of bed and went outside. I started to feel better. After 5 minutes I went back in. There was a sticky dark humid feel in the air. The air even seemed too heavy to breathe. I began gasping for air, like someone was holding my nose closed and were holding a hand over my mouth. It was a choking, sick feeling. Again nausea. Again outside.

I came in, and a gust of cold air whisked by. Like the air you feel when someone brushes by you in the mall, except it was cold. I mean like 30 degrees colder than the air in the house. By now, I knew I wouldn't sleep. I wandered around aimlessly, like I was looking for something, but I couldn't recall what it was.

I think I've made a big mistake. I think I've opened something that I don't know how to close. I think I might be in trouble. This was the first full night after the opening. If my house was a business having a grand opening, it was a huge success. But I don't feel successful. I feel afraid.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Dead Files Season Premiere/ My Story

I guess it's just a coincidence that the season premiere of "Dead Files" comes when I have resumed writing to this blog. Last weekend I watched "Dead Files Revisited," where they look back on a couple of old cases. It has been awhile since I have truly watched the show. Say what you want, but if someone can prove to me an ex-homicide detective with the NYPD is willing to damage his credibility, I'll go along the whole show is fake. But I don't think so. Steve comes across as an ex-cop, meaning he deals with facts and other tangible evidence. He leaves the spirit to Amy. Watch Saturday at 10pm est.

So, this weekend it's the premiere of "Dead Files," and the season finale of  "Ghost Adventures." I'm saddened because I think the crew as we know them is about to call it a day. I've written about what Nick said. Who's gonna be the first one to crack sums it up. I believe it's you, Nick. I know you are a sensitive, and I know you have been tormented. For that I am sorry. I guess it's what you signed up for, but when it all started out, it was an innocent endeavor. Put what you've seen in real life into video and audio evidence. I also feel you guys have maybe made some mistakes. Like demanding spirits to talk or make a noise. How would you like it if someone came into your house uninvited, and started asking you to act like a trained seal? Probably wouldn't go too well. I still believe a little bit of respect needs to be shown from the get-go. Just my humble opinion. The season-finale of "Ghost Adventures is at 9pm est Saturday on the Travel Channel. Hope there's a next season!?

I've gotten some questions about where I'm coming from. When I was a young child I had an invisible friend named "Casey." Now, I had a cousin who died young named Casey. I am now convinced it WAS mt dead cousin. Next was when I was about 21. I was living in the middle of nowhere in Nevada, Crescent Valley to be exact. I was living in a trailer that the previous owner had blown here brains out. At times it was 90 degrees, but one could always count on an cool breeze from the poor lady. At night it sounded like she was pacing the hall. Just as she did in life I'm sure. I had a brother pass from Alzheimer's. I cared for him for 6 years. He used to get up in the night and pace around his room. The day after he died, that night lying in bed I heard him walking, just like before. The hair on my skin stood up erect. There was energy in the air. I could FEEL him. I ignored it for a few weeks. I had a backpacking frame of his in the closet. The only item of his still in the house. I heard a large crash! It came from the closet. I open it, and there is the backpacking frame on the floor. It had been up on the shelf, leaning AWAY from the doors. There is not way this fell off. I scared me to the point of anger. I screamed. "Ted, if you see a white light go into it." I was also cursing. That night, all was quiet.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Ghost Adventures/The Haunting of...

Alright, I guess I'd better update this thing, as I have been getting comments on posts that are over a year old.

First to the person who commented on "The Dead Files." Look, you say that Steve gives Amy all the answers, and that "NOONE" believes this crap. If you watched the beginning of the show, you'll hear both say they never speak until the very end. Now, I can understand that they could be lying to us, and they could be meeting before during and after. Steve is an ex-homicide detective who DOES NOT believe in any of this. I take him at his word. So, is your premise that Steve is making these spirits and things up and telling Amy is ludicrous. But even if this is the biggest conspiracy in the history of TV, it is a TV show. It is meant to entertain. If you don't believe, don't watch. Pretty simple. Some folks are more "open" than others. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist because YOU can't see or feel it.

I have a feeling that "Ghost Adventures" may be winding down. If you follow, the best ghost hunting crew on TV has been having members attacked, followed home, and generally caused pain and heartache. In the last new episode, #152 "Overland Hotel and Saloon." Nick was particularly affected. This isn't the first time for him. I've been feeling for a couple years he's about reached his limit. I think he is very open, thus spirit can affect him in many ways, including entering him, and going home with him. In the end he says, "We're skating in thin ice here man, where this is super dangerous what we're doing. What is the breaking point, where one of us just emotionally snaps?" Very telling indeed. In this episode Zak was knocked down by spirit. These guys go into some of the most haunted locations in America and beyond. Nick looks worn and haggard. I'm afraid the Ghost Adventures we've come to love and respect may be coming to an end.

There are new episodes of Kim Russo's show on Lifetime called, "The Haunting of..." Just finished watching Vince Neil of Motley Crue. Learned things I never knew. That he had a daughter he lost to cancer 20 years ago, who died very young. And he was driving and a drummer from another band was killed. Lots of pain and heartache. And he spoke of his daughter after she has passes coming for 3 nights to play with him. And on the third night says, "Daddy, Jesus says I have to go to school, and I can't come see you again until I finish. OK, I'm gonna say it. I cried. Hard. Heartbreaking. Sad. I don't know if Kim is the real deal, but I think she convinced Vince. I'd suggest watching this episode. Hell, maybe the season. It's off to one hell of a start. Airs Saturday nights on Lifetime at 10 est.

Hopefully I'll post again before years end.