Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Oops, Big Mistake

In my zeal to know more about the paranormal, I made a big mistake. I had a clean house; I mean there was nothing. After moving my brother on who died in this house, it has been normal. Nothing.

At 3am two nights ago I opened my door wide. I invited any and all spirits into my home. And after last night, I know they came.

First came the creaking down my hallway. My floor squeaks when humans walk on it. Loudly. Last night at 2:21am I was awakened by the sound of someone walking down the hall. For 2 full minutes I laid in bed and heard someone walking up and down the hall. I yelled out, "Who's there?" No answer. But the creaking stopped, and a chill came over me. The hairs were standing up on my legs even. I have never felt anything this strong.

I dozed off, and at 3:01am, I awake to my bed shaking. Not too hard...but enough to get my attention. Once again the hairs were standing. I looked towards the foot of the bed. There was a black, gaseous human-like form standing there. It was slowly moving...like the fog on a lake on a cold morning. Except it was black. I could see it well because of the white wall behind it. I asked, Who are you?" No reply. But slowly the leg and head sections began moving towards the center of itself. When it was about the size of a basketball, it suddenly lit up into a light the size of a tennis ball. From black to brilliant. It then shot off towards the window and disappeared.

I laid there, making sure I was awake. Because I thought it was a dream. I pinched myself...and it hurt. I was awake, and what I saw was real.  Naturally, I had nothing to capture this event running. I will never make that mistake again. I understand that 3am is the anti-hour. This is supposedly when the dark spirits become active. Well, I saw something dark. And it made me feel...angry. I don't know why. I was really pissed off, but why? Then a feeling of nausea overcame me. I got out of bed and went outside. I started to feel better. After 5 minutes I went back in. There was a sticky dark humid feel in the air. The air even seemed too heavy to breathe. I began gasping for air, like someone was holding my nose closed and were holding a hand over my mouth. It was a choking, sick feeling. Again nausea. Again outside.

I came in, and a gust of cold air whisked by. Like the air you feel when someone brushes by you in the mall, except it was cold. I mean like 30 degrees colder than the air in the house. By now, I knew I wouldn't sleep. I wandered around aimlessly, like I was looking for something, but I couldn't recall what it was.

I think I've made a big mistake. I think I've opened something that I don't know how to close. I think I might be in trouble. This was the first full night after the opening. If my house was a business having a grand opening, it was a huge success. But I don't feel successful. I feel afraid.

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