Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ghost Asylum/Updates/GA Update

There is a show running new episodes called, "Ghost Asylum." It features the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, a group of Southern boys who do exactly that. Chase Wraiths. This show is coming the closest to Ghost Adventures as any show has in the past. They have the equipment. They do get evidence. And they do something that I had only come to expect from the "Ghost Hunters" TV show. They try to make traps to catch ghosts. Similar to when the Ghost Hunters used a Geiger Counter.

I'll say this: They get some great locations. Old asylums, mental hospitals, etc. Last Sunday the episode I watched was OK. They got some evidence. And from what I saw, they missed some too. There was a scene where the camera was pointing down the hallway. There is a mist, and it was caught on film. They're so focused on the mist, they missed an orb that shot right at the camera. This is the first show on this subject that got good evidence similar to the Ghost Adventures Crew. I'll give it 3 out of 5 Wraiths. Not too bad, likable cast. It airs Sunday nights on Destination America, at 10pm Eastern.

Ghost Adventures has been doing "Aftershocks." Going back and interviewing past guests from past locations. Zak said something that made me chuckle. He was talking about why people call them. He said that do they want us to find out who is doing the haunting, or do they want us to get rid of them. GA has never done anything to "get rid of ghosts." If anything, they have made things worse. Most of the time! Having been through an attachment, and having my home over-run, I've learned a lot. Spirits only react to religion if they themselves "believed" in life. Most spirits were once human-beings, and like to be treated as such. Do you barge in to someone's home, and not ask to enter? Do you demand things from the homeowners? Since I have done my home, I've done 2 others. Both had been "Hunted." The owners report no activity now. That is why, to anyone who needs my help, I over it free of charge. I almost lost everything. I know what it is like to own your home, yet not feel comfortable. I learned a lot of secrets. If you have been the victim of a hunt that made things worse, contact me through the comment section. I will get back to you. I will help, no charge. I don't make promises, but I know I can calm things down.

My next post I will give more info on my ordeal. I'm getting flashes of memory that I think some might enjoy.

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