Saturday, October 17, 2015

Ghost Asylum New Season/Complaints

    Ok. I like TWC, (Tennessee Wraith Chasers). The are one of the few groups on TV that get actual evidence. The show, (Ghost Asylum, Destination America 9pm Eastern) features some Good Ol' Boys from Tennessee. They have been given permission to hunt in some of the most haunted places in America. They take it seriously. But give me a break.
    They claim they are helping spirits. They build "traps" to catch them, but always fail. Here's my beef...
    Last night on the season premiere, they came across as if they are doing a public service or helping these spirits. BS. I have yet to see ANY hunters bring in a priest or medium or anyone to move these spirits along. The Ghost Adventures crew has brought in a priest, but it was because an owner was changing in front of their eyes. It should be common practice before they leave. I don't know if religion even has an affect, but it does seem that if the spirits were God fearing here on Earth, they are God fearing after death. I'll bet my last dollar they cause more harm than any good they do after they're gone. Ask the owners after a group of hunters come through. After they leave, things are usually more active.
    Look, how would you like it if someone came into your home with cameras, lights, and instruments that beep? All these groups forget these where human beings. People died in these places. How about before you leave to tell these spirits you are sorry for barging in and asking stupid questions? How about saying, "You have died. If you see a light, go into it." Bring in a priest. Something! As for trapping, even if they DID manage to capture one, they take it back to Tennessee and set it free? Huh? I really doubt things work that way. I do not believe anything earthly thing can hold spirits. They walk through walls. Through concrete. I don't know if spirits use portals, but with my problems I do believe there are doors that can be opened. I'm trying to close a door I've opened.
    I also believe there are bad spirits. I don't know if some ever physically walked the Earth. I do know that without evil, how would we know what good is? I played with fire and am still scorched. I am not the same person. It takes all my will to write this blog because something does not want me to. I'm crying out for help. I have gone over my pay grade. I have messed with something, and I feel one day it will kill me. At my own hand. That's how dark my home has become. I apologize every day. What is haunting me is bad, bad, bad.

    All I ask is you hunters treat these spirits like YOU would like to be treated. Ask if you can come in. Apologize when you leave. Tell them that you are sad they are stuck, and ask them to look for the warm light. Most spirits are good, but there are a few bad apples. Just like in real life. Maybe some can never go into the light. But at least try to move them on. I can't say if the TWC squad does this, because it's never shown. I may be missing something. You guys are good people. Treat these spirits the same. Be polite. Ask for permission.
    Ever notice how these orbs they capture have movements that resemble UFO sightings? Gravity does not affect them. Electromagnetic energy I believe is what powers UFO's. And that's what these orbs are. Call me crazy. I don't care. I've been shown some insights, or I have been shown lies. I have gone into trances and I see things. Yep, I'm crazy. I get this monkey off my back, and I'm going to hopefully use my experience to help others who are tormented. Because I AM tormented. I am confused, yet clear. I am sad, yet strangely happy. I feel hate, yet feel love for those I hate. I do hope to get my life back. It just hasn't happened yet. Maybe I never will.

    I really like you guys in TWC. You are good folks. But after you leave, I could probably go into those places and have an even more extreme experience. Don't come across that you are helping, because we all know that is no way to tell. Think about it. You sweep in like a hurricane with all these instruments and blinking lights. All I ask is when you leave, remind the spirits about the light and apologize for invading their homes. Hell, I don't know if there is a light. But in my dreams I see them. Only then you can say you MAY have done some good. Otherwise, you are just home invaders. Just my humble opinion.

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