Friday, February 22, 2019

The Demon House

The Demon House recently aired on the Travel Channel. It is a documentary about a home in Gary, Indiana. It was occupied by an African-American family. They had many horrific events, a lot of them involving the children. There are social workers, a priest, and others who witnessed this activity.
Google it for more information.

So, Zak Bagans (ZB) from Ghost Adventures bought the house sight unseen. My father had a saying, "some people have more money than sense." He and a crew went to Gary to investigate. First he had to evict squatters. Then he tried to interview the family. They wanted nothing to do to with it. Of course they had also been offered big money for movie rights from a Hollywood producer. The producer even called and threatened ZB to not make the documentary or he would get sued. A brother of the family was willing to talk, and afterwards they refused to let him back in the house, claiming something was attached to ZB, and it might be attached to him. So there was real fear there. Some have called it a hoax. After watching this, it's not a hoax. There are evils out there that we as humans have no clue about. They have existed for centuries. For there to be good, there must be evil. As Father Mike from Gary, IN said, "the unclean."

This changed ZB's life. He found out the hard way there are things you shouldn't mess with. Some may feel he had it coming. He has been known to mistreat his "friends." Like fellow crew members Jay Wasley and Aaron Goodwin. During one scene in the house ZB is overcome with anger. He pushes Jay around, telling him to get the F**k out. Jay strikes me as a gentle soul. He takes it. Later in the show, when one of the cameramen working for ZB gets overcome with the same sort of anger/possession, it is comical to see the fear ZB shows, I mean when this cameraman's coming at ZB, he's retreating back to Jay and Billy Tolley. If he could only see that he has been that same to to people who care about him. Those same people he's retreating to for cover. He can be an ass. I've seen it many times on Ghost Adventures. He can be mean.

Well, now he is marked. I'm just going to say that he gets himself locked into the house with no exit. First he hears a guttural goat sound from the demon. Then he said he sees a black cloud come out of the wall. Soon his eyes begin hurting. He later is diagnosed with an eye affliction which causes him to see double. He has to wear prism glasses 24/7. That is the mark of the beast. He will carry that till the day that he dies. And when he does, his faith better be strong or he will be the demon's bitch for eternity.

Watch this documentary. If you don't believe in the supernatural or demons, watch. This is not a movie. This is real with no special effects. Watch innocent people get over come with attachments that almost cause their deaths. One by suicide, and another who spend just a few hours in the Demon House, and a day later all his organs begin shutting down. And if you're not a big ZB fan, watch to see this man get marked for eternity. I just hope he realizes that good people and friends are far and few between, and he begins treating them with respect. I hope he at least learned a lesson from this. If not, he will be the Devils bitch. BTW, Ghost Adventures new season begins this Saturday on the Travel Channel 02/23/19. Get a look at those glasses!!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Paranormal Lockdown

    OK, Nick Groff is back on TV. His new show, Paranormal Lockdown, (Destination America, Fridays @ 10pm), features Nick and someone I haven't seen for years, Katrina Weidman. Some may know her from her time as an investigator for PRS, (Paranormal Research Society), featuring Ryan Buell and others from Penn State.

    The concept is 72 hours at one location. With some 2 hour naps thrown in. Not a lot different from Ghost Adventures, in which GA crew spends the night. I like Nick. Many times I have felt sorry for him. I'm not sure if GA cost Nick his marriage, but I do know it caused him grief. Nick is a sensitive. He seems to take the brunt of the repercussions from hunting ghosts. Now I'm confused. I thought he quit GA because of this. Now I'm inclined to believe it may have more to do with a problem with Zak Bagans. I also believe he's become "addicted" to the hunt. He's putting himself in the exact same conditions he did on GA. On one of the last GA episodes he appeared in, he said something like, "One day one of us is going to snap." Something snapped. Not sure what.

    The premise that he espoused for this show is they are there to study residual energy. You know, the idea that brutal and horrifying events become ingrained into the wood and structure of haunted locales. I will say're gonna get both. You may be there for residual energy, but if there are spirits, aren't they going to come through too? I'm not sold on the idea. How do you tell the difference? I guess that's the point. He's trying to found a method to find out.

    I did a binge watch of the first 6 episodes last night. I'm going to be honest. I really didn't like it that much. I think Nick has a long way to go as a host. Here's what really amazed me. As they are doing EVP's Nick asks a question, then keeps rambling on with no space for a spirit to ANSWER. Even after Nick asks a question, Katrina chimes right in and asks another question, again with no chance for a spirit to speak. I thought you ask ONE question, then wait. If using a digital recorder, you have no idea until playback if you have gotten a response. You must give the spirits a hole to speak in. For all the experience these 2 have, isn't that kind of EVP rule number one? Wow.

    Speaking of EVP's, he has a piece of equipment called a GeoBox. First time I've ever seen one. It sounds like it is going through the radio spectrum, like a spirit box, only it is scanning much slower. Because at times I could HEAR radio chatter. It does seem to work. I think. At least when using this, they give a pause to let someone or something to answer. That's a good thing.

    Last night was the Season Finale. I have Dish Network, and for a time did not have Destination America. Hence the binge watch. I think this show premiered March 11. I give this show 3 ghosts out of 5. I do like both Nick & Katrina. LOSE THE FLASHLIGHTS! USE A CAMERA! I hate flashlights with ghost hunting. This is not ground-breaking TV. It's a spin-off of GA. Slightly different. WITH FLASHLIGHTS! And Nick is putting himself back in the line of fire. Like I said, he's addicted.

    Destination America seems to be going all in on the paranormal side. There is another show premiering next Friday called, "Paranormal Brothers." There have become so many paranormal shows on TV that I don't bother to review most. Zak and Aaron also have a spin-off called, "Deadly Possessions." I might be reviewing it next. I've only seen the first episode. That's of course on the Travel Channel.

    As for me, I've been dealing with an attachment. Still. I have been so sick with stomach problems. I just found out yesterday that I have had Silent GERD. Also have Barrett's Esophagus. This is a precursor of cancer of the esophagus. That's because I didn't know acid was coming up. Nice. I've reached out to priests and others for help. No one believes me. I am going to write more on this next. It has been pure fucking hell the last 6 months. Shit flying off shelves, loud knocks and bangs, and someone walking up and down my hallway every night. Not to mention the physical toll. Being sick all the time sucks. I have my own theories I have developed, and will be sharing them with you soon. It is from what I have gone through, and it will turn your belief's upside-down. Enough! I'm gonna go lay down. Every time I write this blog, I get sicker. That's why I haven't been posting very often. Thanks for reading, and happy hunting! I may be writing from the Other Side soon...

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Exorcism Live!

    Well, on Halloween Eve Destination America came up with a live event, featuring TWC, (Tennessee Wraith Chasers), along with a few faces not seen on TV for a while. While the promos made it look as though someone who was possessed was getting a exorcism, that was not the case. It was a good old house cleansing.

    I've written about TWC before, who have the show, "Ghost Asylum," on the same channel. I like these down to earth country boys, and they get evidence. Here's just a few gripes I hope they take to heart. Everyone person should have a digital recorder running, and a hand-held camera/view finder. This way you have everything you need, and you won't be in an attic without the gear you need. The view finder is so you can see...lose the damn penlights. Your eyes will adjust, and when you flash a light, you're gonna miss something. While you do soooo much better than "Ghost Hunters," who from the outside of where they are investigating, it looks like burglars casing a joint. They could give LESSONS to criminals on how to flit a flashlight around. Don't become them! You guys get evidence, and you and Ghost Adventures crew are it.

    OK, now the show. It took place in the famous house in St. Louis that was the catalyst for the movie, The Exorcist. Guess what Travel Channel was showing at the same time this was airing? That's right, the GA (Ghost Adventures) crew investigating the same house in 2012. That's what sets the GA crew apart. They are prepared, and they get good evidence. Plus the use of Kinect technology is fantastic. I found myself switching between shows. TWC went in and did a live hunt. They did a good job for a live show, but like I said, they were at times unprepared. I also liked the access to the live feeds from the X-Cameras they had set up. A few viewers saw orbs and other anomalies. Way to go! The tweeting idea was good to, but some claimed to be frightened...maybe they were, but I wasn't.

    Then psychic Chip Coffey did a seance with his 3 person crew. I first saw Chip on "Paranormal State," one of the first ghost hunting shows that used to air on A & E. Penn State students. Google them. Plus, Chip had a show on the same network where he nurtured young people with psychic abilities. Cannot remember the name. The seance went along, but when an evil spirit came through, Chip shut it down. Sad. Things could have been so much more interesting. I understand the fear of possession, but come on. Should have had volunteers standing by to take the place of those in fear. This was a big moment missed. Fear is what those demons feed on. Live TV, what a moment it could and should have been. If you need a volunteer Chip, I'd be happy to donate my time. How can we learn more when fear over-rides fact finding?  Big Miss!

    It ended with Chip and a priest cleansing the house. I was let down. I guess they were performing an exorcism on the house, but I thought that was called a "cleansing." Not an exorcism. Come on now. Did it work? Who knows? Who can say? Who can prove it? Exorcisms are done on people!

    Don't let me forget the appearance of Nick Groff, former Ghost Adventures alum. Nice beard Nick! He talked of his experience when they investigated the famed house. Nick is a sensitive. I believe him. Ghost hunting cost him a lot, and I'm glad to see he's out of the actual business of hunting. Hope you are well!

    In closing, TWC did a fine job. I'd lose the host...they should have hosted. The seance stopped when it was just getting interesting. The cleansing...a big let-down. I'm sure if you  missed it, there will be reruns of it into perpetuity. I looked and it's not on tonight. I'd definitely show it on Halloween. Guess that's why I write a blog and don't run a network. I give it 3 out of 5 ghosts.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Ghost Asylum New Season/Complaints

    Ok. I like TWC, (Tennessee Wraith Chasers). The are one of the few groups on TV that get actual evidence. The show, (Ghost Asylum, Destination America 9pm Eastern) features some Good Ol' Boys from Tennessee. They have been given permission to hunt in some of the most haunted places in America. They take it seriously. But give me a break.
    They claim they are helping spirits. They build "traps" to catch them, but always fail. Here's my beef...
    Last night on the season premiere, they came across as if they are doing a public service or helping these spirits. BS. I have yet to see ANY hunters bring in a priest or medium or anyone to move these spirits along. The Ghost Adventures crew has brought in a priest, but it was because an owner was changing in front of their eyes. It should be common practice before they leave. I don't know if religion even has an affect, but it does seem that if the spirits were God fearing here on Earth, they are God fearing after death. I'll bet my last dollar they cause more harm than any good they do after they're gone. Ask the owners after a group of hunters come through. After they leave, things are usually more active.
    Look, how would you like it if someone came into your home with cameras, lights, and instruments that beep? All these groups forget these where human beings. People died in these places. How about before you leave to tell these spirits you are sorry for barging in and asking stupid questions? How about saying, "You have died. If you see a light, go into it." Bring in a priest. Something! As for trapping, even if they DID manage to capture one, they take it back to Tennessee and set it free? Huh? I really doubt things work that way. I do not believe anything earthly thing can hold spirits. They walk through walls. Through concrete. I don't know if spirits use portals, but with my problems I do believe there are doors that can be opened. I'm trying to close a door I've opened.
    I also believe there are bad spirits. I don't know if some ever physically walked the Earth. I do know that without evil, how would we know what good is? I played with fire and am still scorched. I am not the same person. It takes all my will to write this blog because something does not want me to. I'm crying out for help. I have gone over my pay grade. I have messed with something, and I feel one day it will kill me. At my own hand. That's how dark my home has become. I apologize every day. What is haunting me is bad, bad, bad.

    All I ask is you hunters treat these spirits like YOU would like to be treated. Ask if you can come in. Apologize when you leave. Tell them that you are sad they are stuck, and ask them to look for the warm light. Most spirits are good, but there are a few bad apples. Just like in real life. Maybe some can never go into the light. But at least try to move them on. I can't say if the TWC squad does this, because it's never shown. I may be missing something. You guys are good people. Treat these spirits the same. Be polite. Ask for permission.
    Ever notice how these orbs they capture have movements that resemble UFO sightings? Gravity does not affect them. Electromagnetic energy I believe is what powers UFO's. And that's what these orbs are. Call me crazy. I don't care. I've been shown some insights, or I have been shown lies. I have gone into trances and I see things. Yep, I'm crazy. I get this monkey off my back, and I'm going to hopefully use my experience to help others who are tormented. Because I AM tormented. I am confused, yet clear. I am sad, yet strangely happy. I feel hate, yet feel love for those I hate. I do hope to get my life back. It just hasn't happened yet. Maybe I never will.

    I really like you guys in TWC. You are good folks. But after you leave, I could probably go into those places and have an even more extreme experience. Don't come across that you are helping, because we all know that is no way to tell. Think about it. You sweep in like a hurricane with all these instruments and blinking lights. All I ask is when you leave, remind the spirits about the light and apologize for invading their homes. Hell, I don't know if there is a light. But in my dreams I see them. Only then you can say you MAY have done some good. Otherwise, you are just home invaders. Just my humble opinion.

Monday, June 8, 2015

I'm Sorry/I'm Haunted

Please accept my apologies for the lack of regular posting, and the words I wrote. They were not mine. I thought I had won. I thought I had my bases covered. I thought my troubles were a thing of the past. I thought I was back to being, "me."

I did what the "experts" said. I put black salt around my property, and in doorways and any other forms of egress. I cleansed with sage. I hung religious paraphernalia. I asked politely for them, or IT to leave. Then I screamed aloud for them to leave. That's when I last posted, I think. I thought it was over.

Things were calm. The cold breezes had stopped. The sounds of someone walking up my hallway every night stopped. The nightmares of slaughter and death, along with the actual smells, stopped. The dream of being held down in my bed as it was bursting into flames stopped. The black shadow that was always just out of my sight was no more. My mood lightened. I began posting again, and at the time thought these were my thoughts. They weren't.

You see, I think I was possessed, in a way that I could not see or understand. In my dreams everything was literally black & white. Mostly black, with white around the edges. Water looked black. Faces were black, with red eyes sunken back in the head. Houses were painted black. My clothes were black. I'd wake up gasping for air, because in the dreams the air was heavy and black. It finally clicked that all was not well for Paranormal TV. I got complacent. I got cocky, offering to help others, because I thought I had beat these things, and it felt good. Stupid is as stupid does.

To review, I want to clarify some things. First, I had never, ever been suicidal. I had never seen a shrink. In a moment I can only describe as sleep walking, I hauled a 2-person recliner out to the garage. I cranked a boom box with Black Sabbath's first album. I started the truck, and sat down. My wonderful caring neighbor heard the music, and could hear the truck running, with the garage door down. He literally saved my life. I have no memory of any of it.

Because it looked like a suicide attempt, the authorities had no choice to put my on an involuntary mental hold. For 2 weeks. That's how I lost my job. You can't not show up for 2 weeks and expect a parade. Now, in the psych unit, I'm trying to explain to a shrink that looked at me like I was a loon that, #1) I don't remember doing any of it, and #2) it was a spirit. Ha-ha! That went over like a Lead Zeppelin. It took me a few days to realize that if I don't start playing the game with these folks, I would be there a very, long time. By playing the game, I mean lying. If I'd stuck to the truth, I'd still be there. This was turning into more than cold breezes and nightmares. It was becoming part of my life, and I didn't like it.

I'm still struggling, but I have been voraciously been reading books on the paranormal. I have been cleansing and spreading salt, because I haven't found any other way to proceed. It seems a little better, but I can't trust it or myself. I thought it was gone before, and I was totally ignorant to what was going on. I have been doing recordings to try and found out who or what this is. I will be posting MP3's of some of my findings. This sucker is just that...sucking the life out of me. After all this, I'm thinking of starting a paranormal group. I am getting on-the-job training. And I'm needing work. Who wants to hire someone who lost their job because of being in an institution? No one. Next week, if all improves, I'll start posting about Paranormal TV again. Though there aren't a lot of quality shows right now on the subject, I do truly hope the words I post next will be all mine, and mine alone.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Dead Files Return, GA Reruns, Demon Installment

The Dead Files returned last week with new episodes. While a fan, I haven't been as excited to watch. Why? Not sure. I like both the stars. I'm not sure how long they were showing reruns, but maybe it was a bit too long. I've written about the show before, and really not much has changed. I'd still like GA and Dead Files to collaborate, to help after the GA crew blows in, Amy could tell the owners what to do about the increased activity. Just saying. The Dead Files airs on Sat. at 10pm on Travel Channel.

Watching the Extra-Pulses shows and watching Zak do interviews can at times be painful. Although he has gotten better, he still has a lot to learn. He needs to learn to stand and shake the hands of his guests. I'm glad they are finally trying to help with the turmoil they cause. But claiming to care about someone's well-being, then throwing them to the lions for the show, (Tony, the guest who was left with a welt after going back to his former home), comes to mind. Oh well. I think he is trying hard. I think they are beginning to understand they can do damage with their investigations. Airs Sat. at 9 pm on Travel Channel.

I have been asked how my haunting made me lose my job. Okay. My neighbor found me in my garage with the truck running, and the doors closed. He thought it odd to hear my truck. If he hadn't, I wouldn't be here. I had taken a 2-person recliner to the garage. I had headphones on listening to "Yer Blues" by the Beatles. I was unconscious. I have no recollection of dragging the recliner. (I would have had to drag it). No memory of any of it. But, the police and shrinks do. I was on an involuntary hold for 2-weeks. Thus, I lost my job. They put me on anti-psychotics because of what happened. Talk about brain killers. The more I talked about the ghosts, the more medicine they gave me. I learned fairly quickly that I'd better stop the ghost talk. If I hadn't, I'm sure I'd still be there....More to come....

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ghost Asylum/Updates/GA Update

There is a show running new episodes called, "Ghost Asylum." It features the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, a group of Southern boys who do exactly that. Chase Wraiths. This show is coming the closest to Ghost Adventures as any show has in the past. They have the equipment. They do get evidence. And they do something that I had only come to expect from the "Ghost Hunters" TV show. They try to make traps to catch ghosts. Similar to when the Ghost Hunters used a Geiger Counter.

I'll say this: They get some great locations. Old asylums, mental hospitals, etc. Last Sunday the episode I watched was OK. They got some evidence. And from what I saw, they missed some too. There was a scene where the camera was pointing down the hallway. There is a mist, and it was caught on film. They're so focused on the mist, they missed an orb that shot right at the camera. This is the first show on this subject that got good evidence similar to the Ghost Adventures Crew. I'll give it 3 out of 5 Wraiths. Not too bad, likable cast. It airs Sunday nights on Destination America, at 10pm Eastern.

Ghost Adventures has been doing "Aftershocks." Going back and interviewing past guests from past locations. Zak said something that made me chuckle. He was talking about why people call them. He said that do they want us to find out who is doing the haunting, or do they want us to get rid of them. GA has never done anything to "get rid of ghosts." If anything, they have made things worse. Most of the time! Having been through an attachment, and having my home over-run, I've learned a lot. Spirits only react to religion if they themselves "believed" in life. Most spirits were once human-beings, and like to be treated as such. Do you barge in to someone's home, and not ask to enter? Do you demand things from the homeowners? Since I have done my home, I've done 2 others. Both had been "Hunted." The owners report no activity now. That is why, to anyone who needs my help, I over it free of charge. I almost lost everything. I know what it is like to own your home, yet not feel comfortable. I learned a lot of secrets. If you have been the victim of a hunt that made things worse, contact me through the comment section. I will get back to you. I will help, no charge. I don't make promises, but I know I can calm things down.

My next post I will give more info on my ordeal. I'm getting flashes of memory that I think some might enjoy.