Friday, September 6, 2013

New Series American Haunting/ Ghost Adventures Returns/Ghost Mine Returns

Sorry it's been so long, but this has been one long, crappy summer as far as Paranormal TV goes. Why write about shows that I couldn't stand to watch all the way through? My Haunted House on Bio turned into a, " go back in time," and try to recreate from the victims memory something that may have happened years ago. I'm sorry, but it's boring. I'm really tired of these shows that go back in time and do re-enactments. It's worse than reality TV, it's reality TV that's been recreated by writers. Kind of like warmed over baked beans, they tasted pretty good the first day, but reheating them isn't very satisfying. Plus, they start to give you gas. I started writing this blog because of shows that hunt ghosts. In real time. Enough said.

American Haunting, the latest from A & E is OK. They took real families, having real paranormal activity in the present. They set up cameras, and get evidence. They families are suffering in real-time. The families call in professional ghost hunters, demon killers, and the like. They showed 3 episodes on one night, July 27th, and I haven't heard from them since. Look, it's pretty good. Maybe they could call in real professionals from other shows in the future. That might take it to the next level. I have a feeling that was all for that series. It's probably cooked.

Ghost Adventures has returned with new episodes. Yeah! The first 2 so far have been great. They are still the best crew on TV at getting evidence. Last week, they went to Toulumne Hospital in Sonora CA. They have taken to using the X-Box Kinect to map ghosts. And it worked! That is the cutting edge that we all love from them. Using new tools to gather more evidence. Unlike Ghost Hunters using a Geiger counter. The boys are smart and the best in the business. Tonight they're going to Missouri State Prison, and prisons always seem to bring it. So I advise you to set your DVR to 9pm EDT Friday nights on Travel Channel. Hell, set it for 8pm, because they show last weeks episode then, in case you missed it. These are episode numbers 112 and 113 respectively. Be sure to watch if you like the real thing, done by pros.

Ghost Mine has started new episodes on Wednesdays on SY-FY. Episode 7 is first up. I DVR'd it, and haven't had a chance to watch. But I do know they are going back to the same mine, the Old Crescent. It's located about 200 miles from me, and someday I'm going in person. Maybe make a video post. So next week I'll let you know how it went. I'll probably wait until watching the next episode to give a review. So, I've finally got a full weekend of good ghost watching, just as the weather's starting to change. Fall's starting to look up. GO Ghost Adventures! And thanks! Also avoid gas inducing TV.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Come on Ghost Hunters!

Come on! People, wake up! Why does anyone call these folks? I just watched the episode that originally aired last week, where they were investigating a bungalow and home next door. At the end, the client WAS NOT happy. Once again, they didn't get shit. Embarrassing. She got 2 EVP's that knocked out anything the Hunters got. Then they had the nerve to tell her they couldn't be 100% sure about hers because they didn't know how she did it. Jason, SHE did it right! You come in and don't get anything, and the client literally kicks your ass, and you DOWNPLAY it. You are clowns. Yeah, she seemed pissed off at you idiots, and I don't blame her. Then you try to explain her anger off as disappointment that you didn't contact her old friends. No, it's because you spent 2 nights in her home and didn't get a smell. My dad had a saying. I'm adapting it: "If you were ghost hunting for shit you wouldn't get a smell." And then you NEVER, EVER stay until 3am, the Anti-Hour. How can you tell a client that there's nothing evil if you don't stay when they might come out to play. IDIOTS! IDIOTS! I've never known ghost hunters that have a bedtime, and they stick to it! I challenge you Jason to let me join you on a hunt. And you don't have to air anything. I just want to show you people how this shit works. First, you'd drop the flashlights. You need total darkness. I thought you might have known that. The episode before this one, I definitely heard a GROWL, and you tell the client there's nothing evil. DUMB SHITS! You're going to get someone hurt one day, and I wish they'd sue you. You give people a false sense that there's no evil, and they let their guard down. I would love to follow your investigations. I bet by spending dusk to dawn I could get more evidence by myself than you get in 2 nights with your massive crew and equipment. So Jason, humble yourself and let me come in with you, just once. You have been doing this for a long time, and you break almost every rule there is to break. Are you afraid? I think you are. I'm afraid your bungling is going to hurt someone. I think you do more damage than good. And dear readers of this blog, write SyFy and tell them that the Ghost Hunters are idiots. Stop watching, it just validates their ignorance. They get these great sites, and don't get hardly anything. I'm glad that client was pissed. I am too! The way you move your flashlights wildly, maybe you should become burglars. At least you's GET SOMETHING! Maybe...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Dead Files Continues/ New Ghost Hunters

The Dead Files continues with new episodes and continues to impress. The episode that aired 06/07/13 about the creep in California that wants to turn his old historic building into a haunted Bed & Breakfast was wonderful. This guy only called the Dead Files crew in for one reason: publicity. And Amy & Steve were on to him. He didn't want help, he wanted to get his name out there to continue his use of the dead to make money. And Amy & Steve didn't fall for it. He is a creep, and one day he will die, and hopefully he'll end up in his former haunt being exploited by others. That would be just.  He didn't do one thing that Amy suggested. He never planned to. So the Dead Files didn't give his location, or his full name. All we knew was that it was in California, and as Steve said, "I'm sure if you look hard enough, you the viewers will be able to figure out where this place is." Here's what I think: Don't go there, don't ask to ghost hunt there, and when he finishes remodeling, do not help this guy in any way. He is tormenting the dead for personal gain, and I do believe one day he will pay dearly. When he told Amy about his plans for a Bed & Breakfast, it was classic. She said, "Will it be a nice hotel, or advertised as a haunted hotel?" At least this ass was truthful about his intentions. The Dead Files does not actively look for clients, they ask people to write in with their story. Here's what gets me: All these people are at wit's end by the time the crew shows up. But most fail to follow the advice Amy gives them to move these spirits on. I know sometimes it may seem crazy, and her advice may be difficult to follow through with, but I do believe Amy is the real deal. And she knows what needs to be done. So why do most not follow her advice? Are they seeking their 15 minutes of fame also?

Alright, this week I watched the 1st episode in the new season of Ghost Hunters. Don't bother. This has become on of the biggest cluster f**ks on TV. If you want to see everyone shining flashlights like burglars casing the joint then by all means, waste an hour of your life. They did get some audio evidence, but nothing visual. Guess why? Because with their flashlights moving constantly it won't make it to video. You can't trust that this crew has seen anything they claim to see because first of all, they NEVER get visual evidence, and secondly with the movement of their flashlights remaining constant, they may THINK they saw something, but it was probably one of their lights reflecting off something. Are they afraid of the dark? And you never ever see them go past midnight. Any ghost hunter worth their salt knows that the Anti-Hour, 3am is when things may start to ramp up. So Jason, until the day you start doing a dark to light investigation, I'm not watching anymore. And I don't mean light as in flashlight. And it means not getting to bed before midnight. You get to go to these wonderful locations, then do a half-assed investigation, leaving right when there might be some REAL activity. You told this latest client that you didn't think there was anything bad haunting the hall, but one of your audio recordings was definitely a GROWL. And since you never stay on site until 3am, you may be misleading your clients. Dumb and Dumber is back on TV. Ghost Hunters my ass. I think you really are just afraid of what you're hunting. SyFy, make them change their strategies, or cancel the show. I've seen enough of the absolute worst ghost hunting crew on TV. And you pay these people? If Roto-Rooter had a TV show, this would be it. Time to flush.

Monday, May 13, 2013

My Haunted House/ Dead Files Update

First, let me say if you haven't seen "Dead Files" on the Travel Channel, you're missing out. It is becoming one of the best paranormal shows on TV. If Amy is not the real thing, then she should be nominated for an Academy Award. Yes, an Oscar. Because you couldn't make this stuff up. If she's a fake, she writes and performs her own material. And even the greatest actors usually don't write their own material. So, I have to believe in her. The latest episode Friday was a great example. A couple is living in an old tobacco plantation in Virginia. It got so bad there they built a modular home next door, and guess what? The spirits followed them. The main entity haunting them is a black woman who was a slave. And she practiced "Hoodoo," which I had never heard of. As Amy said, Voodoo is a religion, and Hoodoo is a practice of gaining power. And this little black woman has power over all the dead roaming the plantation. She wants the plantation house demolished. Since the clients won't even consider that, Amy said they need to find a practitioner of Hoodoo. And this person has to want the power the black woman holds. It is quite the dilemma. In closing, watch this show!  It is the best show showing new episodes right now.

Deep-South Paranormal is turning out to be a dud. The first couple episodes were OK, but lately it's turning out that these folks are bungling through their investigations. Aside from some pithy southern speak, the rest is crap.

I have another gripe. Why do people say "Intelligent Spirits?" As opposed to Stupid Spirits? I suppose that since there are dumb people in this world, when they pass I suppose they would be dumb on the other side. But what makes a spirit intelligent? Because they can make knocks, slam doors, and communicate? I will say this...if you treat spirits with respect and not ask them stupid questions, I think your success as a ghost hunter will increase. Just my opinion.

Which brings me to the latest paranormal release on the Bio channel, "My Haunted House." It is hard to watch. It seems they are going back many years, when memories fade. And the re-enactments are really all they've got. I have a hard time watching drivel like this. If the producers think this is compelling TV, they are wrong. I will try watching again, but it is one long hour. The show I saw went back to 1973. It lasted about a half-hour, and it was hard to watch and remain engaged. So, I give this show 2 out of 5 stars. I think people want to see real investigations, not re-enactments. It airs Saturdays on Bio at 10pm Eastern. I think you'd be better off watching "Long Island Medium." I will talk more about that next week. Happy ghost hunting!

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Ghost Speaks/ GA Crew the Best

Last Fridays "Ghost Adventures" once again showed why these boys are the best in the business. Investigating King's Tavern they proved why. They get more evidence in one investigation than any other professional crew there is. I mean, this was an incredible hour of ghost hunting. It was the best episode from them in a long, long time. This week is another rerun, but I forgive them because of this wonderful episode. If you missed it it's on again tonight, Friday the 26th at 8pm Eastern on the Travel Channel. Ghost busting good!

The latest show from Bio is one of the weakest  TV shows about ghosts I've ever seen. It is called, "The Ghost Speaks" and it is truly the biggest pieces of crap to hit the airwaves in quite some time. Here's the premise.. .people share a haunting experience and guess what? The ghost speaks. But not really. It's voiced over by an actor, and the ghost talks about what's bothering it, why it's there, and the real kicker...who it is. Come on...there is no way to know this, there is no way to prove this, and there certainly is no way to know for fact who the ghost is. This is a steaming pile of crap. It's mostly conjecture, and even though they did show some actual evidence, when the ghost speaks I had to laugh so hard, the iced tea I was drinking shot out of my nose. It's been a while since I've laughed this hard. So I guess there is one redeeming quality to these shows, it will make you laugh. I'm assuming this is a spin-off of "The Killer Speaks." At least with that show it's the real killer. I've watched 3 episodes of that show, and it's pretty good. But this is taking it one step too far. The ghost is speaking lines written by a writer. And not a very good writer. So, 1 out of 4 stars. If you're depressed watch it. It make make you shoot liquid out your nose. But if you're looking for a good ghost show, pass. It airs on Bio Saturday at 10pm Eastern.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Deep-South Paranormal Episode 2

There hasn't been a lot of new shows about the paranormal coming our way, so I've got a couple of things to say about what is on.

First, the "Haunted Collector" has been new episodes. I think the show is OK, mostly because he has such a good crew. Top-notch. But, the last episode I heard John Zaffis use the F-Word. Something touched his back and he freaked. It was funny, funny! As I've said before, why do all the "pros," (using the term lightly), have to cuss when they get scared? I do my share of cussing, so I'm not some prim little guy that gets his sensibility's hurt. I just get tired of "beep-beep-beep." It's distracting, and since these are supposed to be pros, who KNOW they are being filmed, stupid. There are a lot of reality shows on TV that would only be 15 minutes long is they took out all the bad language. But hearing John drop the bomb, I had to laugh...hard. He was funny. And here's my big gripe about his far this year they are batting a thousand.  Every case they have done has a happy ending. 100% solving rate. These guys could save the world it seems. And rid the world of paranormal. Someone give them a call.

After watching the 2nd episode last night, I'm pretty happy. It's a funny show, and I've heard some new southern sayings that I'd never heard. The old guy that carries a staff, kind of the southern witch-doctor, is great. "My ghost radar's going off like a buck in rutting season." Funny! The best was "We're busier than a stump-tailed cow on fly day!" That was great! Probably only 4 more new episodes coming, so I'm giving them 4 out of 5 stars. They beat the hell out of the great Ryan Buell, and the Supernatural Sisters. It airs at 10 Eastern on Wednesdays on Sy-Fy. It's about the only new show on right now. I don't know what May holds in store, but I'm hoping some of our favorites show new episodes. I'll let you know when I find out something. Happy Hunting!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Deep-South Paranormal

First, I want to give a little bit of my opinion. Why do all these people that investigate the paranormal have to constantly use the F-Word? By no means am I a prude, and have been known to use colorful language. But these are supposed to be professionals. I get sick of bleep, bleep, bleep, when something happens. They know that they can't use these scenes. Is it when someone gets scared they cuss? Every show does it. How about "Wow, did you hear that?" No it's F***, F***, F***.

Next I'd like to talk about recent episodes that have been non-reruns. "Haunted Collector" has been pretty good this year. I am just amazed that they NEVER fail. They identify the trigger object, and poof, haunting is over. So if I get this right, everyone else is doing the wrong thing. It seems it's possible to get rid of these ghosts. So why are places still haunted? So, I am saying right here, find the trigger object, remove it, say F***!, and no more ghosts! Yeah right.

"Stranded" has ended it's first season, and I will say the first episode and maybe the last were the best. I like the concept, but I still think the producers need to give these people a crash course in ghost hunting. At least SHOW them what the equipment's for, how to run it, and then tell them to USE it. But have no fear about one thing, they have the cussing down, no training needed there.

Taking the "Stranded" time slot is a new show called "Deep-South Paranormal." I have only seen the promos, but it might be good. Having all my relatives from the south, this might be funny as hell. I think it might be good. I'll bet they can use the F-Word with the best of them. I will write more after I see the 1st episode. I like the premise, so let's cross our fingers. It airs on Sy-Fy Wednesday's at 10 Eastern.

Finally "Ghost Adventures" had a re-run last week. Same with "The Dead Files." I truly think the Adventure crew is burned out, and I don't look for much new in the future. They have been through enough, and I won't fault them for turning in their EMF detectors. Hope I'm wrong. But if not, they had a great run. Maybe they'll prove me wrong. Wait, what was that noise? F**kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Updates of Previously Reviewed/Supernatural Sisters

I have taken a couple of weeks off to watch some of the latest shows airing new episodes. Let's get started.

"Stranded" is turning into a fairly decent show. Last nights episode was kind of painful though. The female in the trio was so scared, it became painful to my eyes but especially my ears. I do feel sorry for her. But I have never seen anyone that freaked out. When left alone she started whimpering, then screaming and sobbing uncontrollably. To be honest even the guys were scared. Even the skeptic came around. If they continue to use good locations, and maybe screen future "guests" a little better, it could be good.

"Haunted Collector" has also proved to be pretty good into this new season. I like all the characters, and they know what they're doing. Here's one thing I've noticed...every out-come so far this season has been a success. They remove an item, and poof...ghost's are gone! I have a bit of a hard time with that. But it is the paranormal, and since so much is still unknown, I can't at this time call total bullshit.

"Ghost Adventures" came close to hitting the bottom of the barrel with "First-Timer's," which had a few celebs and contest winners, first-timers so to speak. So it was another best-of, which has to be ending because I don't think they can scrape up anymore catchy titles. Tomorrow night's show looks like it will be a new case..."Return to Goldfield." This is where they got on someone's radar to become what they are today. Goldfield, Nevada is a great location. I'm actually looking forward to this one. I do hope they truly went back, and are not "returning" with showing us old clips. We'll see.

"Dead Files" has been good. I like Amy, and I don't think she's fake. Also, they like to investigate family homes,  and that's cool too. I've never ever seen a show "advertise" for people having problems. But there they were during a commercial break, Amy & Steve asking people to go to the website and submit their problems and locations. Nice!

The last show that was new I watched was "Supernatural Sisters." (Bio Sat. at 10 eastern) Since there was only one episode it's really hard to judge, and it's looking like that will be it. I don't know for sure, or if the ratings sucked, but if it's never seen again it really won't be missed. It revolved around 2 sisters from New Jersey. Or New York or somewhere in that area. It reminded me of "The Long Island Medium," except she's entertaining. I got the feeling that the sisters were not as clairvoyant as they claimed. I don't expect anymore shows from them.

I also spent the last 2 weeks pondering what I've been writing, and even wondering if all of this is a waste of time. Look, I know ghosts exist. There is no other explanation. When I was a young child I had an imaginary friend...invisible to others, but I could see him. I called him Casey, because that's the name he told me. I'm not sure, but I had a distant cousin named Casey who died at a young age. Was it him? I don't know. I also had a brother who died as a baby, and maybe it was him. He would have been one-year older than myself. But whoever it was helped this shy, reserved kid make through some trying childhood times.

In 2010, I lost another brother to Alzheimer's. I cared for him for 6 years in my home. It was truly 36-hour days. Shortly after he passed, he returned to my home. I could hear him pacing in his bedroom, just as he did when alive. Here's what I think. He died and didn't know it. His brain wasn't functioning hardly at all, and I believe he didn't even know he was dying. So he came back to the last known location. It all came to a head when he started knocking things off shelves, in anger I'm sure because either I wasn't paying attention to him, (I couldn't see him), or just angry at where he was. After he knocked a large object of a shelf in the bedroom that could have never fallen itself it scared me to the point of anger. It startled me, and I said in a loud voice, "Ted, you are dead! Look for a white light and go towards it goddamn-it." I repeated it again, and that night the pacing stopped. He was gone! So what I said must have been true. There must-have been a light, and he walked through. At least that's what I hope. Rest in peace...dear brother.

Friday, March 8, 2013


"Stranded" is the latest paranormal TV show, building on the ever increasing belief in ghosts. It takes a different group of "contestants" each week, and places them for 5 days and 4 nights into a haunted location. They are given ghost hunting tools, and bring in their own food.

The first episode was pretty good. Mostly from what I've seen so far is these people are friends, and each has varying beliefs in the paranormal. It is fairly interesting, and some evidence is actually gathered, some known, some undiscovered by the contestants and shown to us after the fact. Now, the first episode kept me entertained, but here's my problem. I can't remember where they were, or what their names were. I don't think it's forgetfulness, it's that it's all forgettable. Both the location and the people.

The producers leave some things for the contestants to discover. They leave facts about the house or building, and also info on the deceased folks that happened to reside there. Next was the 2nd episode which was a little disappointing. It was 3 "musicians" who really had no training in the use of equipment, and who basically fumbled their way through the entire filming process. That was very forgettable. Now, having remembered some of these facts, I'm starting to remember that the 1st episode was a hotel or something like that on an island. They were taken by private boat, and dropped off. Now that is truly "stranded." That is the locations the producers should be looking for. No escape. Make these people feel like they have nowhere to go. In the 2nd, they were driven to the location. It was on the ocean and fairly secluded. Not bad. But this episode wasn't as good. It could be that not all people are meant to be on TV. The characters were blase', and it didn't work in the producers favor. I will continue watching, because I think the premise is solid, it's just they need some really haunted locations that creak and crack, and be a little more careful in the selection process of the contestants. Make sure they either get a crash course in the equipment or are amateur ghost hunters. In other words, give me a call.

"Stranded" airs on the Sy-Fy channel Wednesday's at 9pm Eastern. Episode 3 will be at the West Virginia State Penitentiary, (which we know is haunted and been visited by "Ghost Adventures" and "PRS."), and will feature an ex-cop, his sister and her husband. That might be good! I give this show 3 1/2 stars, great premise, but poor casting sometimes, and location DOES matter. If next week turns out like I think it should, maybe then it will be 4 star entertainment.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Notice To Producers/ Hire the Constantino's

Last night while watching the latest "Ghost Adventure," Debby & Mark Constantino made a guest appearance. Any producer's or TV execs need to look at giving them their own TV show. They are fantastic. I love how Debby practices what I have been preaching for a long time; Show respect to the spirits, check your ego at the door, and watch the evidence pile up.

That is becoming the problem with a lot of these shows, the groups have no respect for the spirits they are trying to contact, and they wonder why they don't get much action. Debby is very respectful to the dead, and she gets results. Doesn't that make sense? How can you go in with an attitude and expect the dead to perform like trained seals? Would anyone perform on demand being asked by an egomaniac? Give this couple their own show. They have proven time and again that they can get Class A EVP's, and they are so good at understanding what they hear. Plus the kindness that they show would add up to a hit! So come on Bio, Travel Channel, and Sy-Fy. Hire this couple and give them a forum. They were truly the highlight on last night's show, being upstaged only by the medium that took Zak on a little walk in the dark. What I think would be really great is if Aaron went with them. Aaron is also very respectful, and he usually gets more results than Zak and Nick. It's gone to their heads. I want to see a show with the Constantino's and Aaron. So let's get it done...I'm sure I'm not the only one. It would be a hit, and maybe show the Ryan Buell's, Jason Hawes, and even Zak what it's all about. Because these folks have lost their way. Time to get back on track.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Haunted Collector

First, kind of disappointed by the abrupt end of "Ghost Mine." No warning, no notice if it's coming back. Also, watched a few new episodes of the "Ghost Hunters." Not much to report except how do these folks get people to call them? The last location was an amusement park on Lake Oneida in New York that was huge. Here's my biggest complaint. Mr. Roto-Rooter calls an end to the investigation at 2:30am. Anyone worth their salt knows that 3am is the Anti-Hour, or Witching Hour. Maybe Jason had to be to work the next day. They were still getting action and he calls it a night. And the owners of the park contacted him! What a through investigation. Amazing.

Now on to "Haunted Collector." New episodes return 03/06/13 on SyFy at 9pm Eastern. Here is a show that got it's exposure from the "Ghost Adventures" crew. In on of the early episodes the crew goes to John Zaffis, who collects items reported to be haunted. They were asking him about trigger objects. I can't remember which place the boy's were investigating, but this is where Mr. Zaffis got his exposure, and probably his own TV show.

John is a likable fellow and his team is too. I watched this show last season, and they had some pretty good cases. These objects that they remove supposedly cause the locations to be haunted. So how does Zaffis store these items without being haunted himself? Glassware. He covers them in glass enclosures. He even has a museum where he houses these items. Now I have no idea if glass is an insulator from the paranormal. But according to him, it works.

This team responds to phone calls and emails from the general public. They check it out to make sure they are not being duped, then head to the location. They first do a sweep with various tools that all paranormal teams use. As it unfolds, they narrow it down to a particular object that is "haunted." Supposedly after removing the object, everybody's happy. No more paranormal activity. This might be a bit of a stretch, but hell, how can we refute it? I guess in watching any paranormal show one must suspend a bit of their reality to believe some of the stuff that gets into final cuts. So, if you think objects can be haunted, and can suspend common sense for an hour this show's for you. Believe me, I've seen worse. I give it 4 out 5 stars because at least these folks know how to use their equipment. Unlike "Ghost Hunters" who once used a Geiger Counter on an investigation. I'll be watching.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ghost Adventures Apology

I broke down and watched 2 of this season's best-of last week. I want to say, that this crew are still the best ghost hunters on TV. I had forgotten about the possessions these guys had experienced. All 3 have at one time been taken over, and I must say that it must be difficult. We have watched the boy's over the years, and I for one took a lot for granted. Watching the "Bewitched & Bothered" best-of, I saw each member show personalities that were not their own. The one where Zak was taken over and really gave Aaron some hatred was especially compelling. Zak was downright mean, and the look in his eyes scared Aaron and even me. So, that being said, I want to offer my apologies to the whole "Ghost Adventure's" crew. These guys have gone to war for us, and even lost loved ones because of the show. I think it has been especially hard on Nick. He is the one that seems to wear the scars of battle on his sleeve. He may still be having problems, I don't know. So, the BEST paranormal crew on TV is still the "Ghost Adventures" gang, and they will be hard to top. Keep tuning in, these guy's have sacrificed a lot for a TV show.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Ghost Mine Update/Haunted Encounters: Face to Face

"Ghost Mine" is quickly becoming the best paranormal show on TV. Every week it is getting better and better, with more discovery's being made, and more drama as the haunting's continue to ramp up. With the discovery of the Mason's involvement and the secret mine opening being uncovered, using granite boulder's with 3 holes drilled into them forming a triangle and leading to the long hidden opening. The miner's discovered a very promising vein inside. But the electronic equipment is being quickly drained of power. This last episode was one of the quickest hours of TV I have ever watched. I highly recommend tuning in.

Which brings me to my disappointment in "Ghost Adventures." This was the best paranormal show on TV, but this season is a huge disappointment. Tonight is again a best of recap scrapping the bottom of the ghost barrel entitled "Obsessions and Possessions." Come on guys, is this it? Put us out of our collective misery and end it if this is all you have left. "Ghost Mine" is now the best paranormal show on TV.

Which brings me to "Haunted Encounters: Face to Face." I have only seen one episode in entirety, which is the season finale Episode 5 that aired on 12/28/12. Started off very promising, with a crew consisting of 4 people, a lead investigator, a psychic, a case manager, and a tech person, calling themselves "The Paranormal Syndicate." Taking a page from "Ghost Adventures," they supposedly stay all night at the locations.

This episode started with the "Houghton Mansion," home of A.C. Houghton and his family. It is now a Masonic Temple, which once again involves the secret society that is the Masons. It also has tragedy at it's core, with deaths associated with it. In 1914 A.C. and his daughter and her friend were being driven by chauffeur and family friend Mr Witters. He swerves to miss something in the road, the car goes over an embankment, and the daughter and friend are killed instantly. The next day or so Mr. Witters kills himself in the barn, and a few days later A.C. dies.

Houghton Mansion is listed as one of the most haunted locations in the US. The crew heads in, and the psychic, who should be carrying a camera sees a black figure. Then she sees an arm and out coming around the corner, and she's gone. She runs out! If she would have had a camera she might have gotten something, but oh no! I have never seen a scared psychic before. Using a flashlight adds to the crap.

Meanwhile the rest of the crew does their thing. They get a couple of compelling EVP's, but that's about it.

They move on to St. Mark's on the Bowery, a church with a founder of New York (Then New Amsterdam), buried in the foundation, and also built upon a graveyard. Talk about a prime locale. Also the site of many grave robbery's. So they try a "Ripple in Time." This is basically a rip-off of "Trigger Objects." They DO get things stirred up. But here's where they lost me. THEY LEAVE. Because they are scared! WTF! Never have I seen a crew leave in the middle of activity, vowing to never return. I suggest that with that, this show never return. This episode aired on Bio Friday's at 10pm eastern. If this was the season finale, I'm glad I didn't torture myself with the 4 previous episodes. I give it 1 out of 5 only because they did get some evidence.

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Ghost Story/Caught On Camera

First, let me state my disappointment in what was my favorite show, "Ghost Adventures." Last week was another best of, and tonight's show is another. Now, if you've never seen the show, it's probably great. Cuts out a lot of dead air. Loyal viewers like myself are once again disappointed. I've even taken the show off my DVR recording list. What is going on? I figured last week their 100th episode would be new. Nope. Episode 101 is "Bewitched & Bothered," which is another rerun basically. Most shows celebrate 100 episodes. I guess the Travel Channel doesn't. Are they having difficulty getting results? Is Zak the new Ryan Buell? Are the spirits wise to them, and tired of being trained seals to perform for the masses? Spirits were people, and you can't treat them like a side-show act. Where's the show headed? I guess time will tell.

So this week I'm talking about "My Ghost Story/ My Ghost Story: Caught On Camera." For those who are new to Paranormal TV, these are great shows. Hell, I like them. Here you have amateur and unknown to the public paranormal teams. They get some great evidence. And, if you're a seasoned viewer, it's fun to watch and catch the scenes that probably aren't paranormal. I've seen a few where "orbs" are bugs and/or dust. But that doesn't stop them! No cynics debunking. It's great. I've also seen some very compelling evidence. Let me say, if the spirits are getting tired of performing for the pros, they have no such reservations for these folks. If you like lots of action without a lot of commentary, these shows are wonderful. I give them 5 out of 5 stars, especially the "Caught On Camera" shows. Which is what Bio is airing mostly. You can catch this show many times during the week, but the new episodes air on Fridays at 9pm eastern. Ironically the same time as the new "Ghost Adventures" shows air. Guess what I'll be watching tonight.

There is a cousin of  to these shows. "Celebrity Ghost Stories," which also airs on Bio Channel. These shows feature real celebs, and fairly decent re-enactments. Not quite as good the "Caught On Camera" but OK. This is the show that led to Kim Russo's show "The Haunting of..." I've already covered that show, so I'll leave with a couple of thoughts.

Come on "Ghost Adventures." You were the cream of the crop. How about some new investigations? Also, "Ghost Mine" is fast becoming a favorite of mine. The episodes are building, and I can't wait until the next one. That's a good sign. The two paranormal investigator's would give Zak and crew a run for their money. They already are. "Ghost Mine" is my new favorite. Catch them at 9pm or 10pm Eastern on Wed. on Sy-Fy. Next week they are taking the 9 o'clock slot from "Ghost Hunters." Good call!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ghost Mine

I will try to do my posts on Thursdays here on out. "Ghost Mine," which is a new show, airs on Wed. at 10  Eastern on SY-FY. I will talk about it in a sec, but I just wanted to mention a show I've talked about before, "Ghost Hunters." A new episode aired last night, and I want to tell you, I'm really not impressed. Are these folks ever without a flashlight? Jason and Dave were walking around and they looked like burglars casing a joint for things to rob. They were jerking their lights around, constantly moving them up, down, sideways and back. I am surprised they ever get any evidence. I have never seen people that get paid to do what they do act so stupidly. Since a film crew follows them around, they have their hands free to survey every god-damn sound they hear. It's one thing to see where you are going, but it's another to never be in darkness. Are they scared? Let me say this: I'm done. They can do with this show whatever they want, but I'm done watching. It used to be kind of funny. Now it's just people bumbling their way through a location, flashlights blazing. Don't watch. There is a show that that follows their time slot that I think is great. It's called "Ghost Mine."

Ghost Mine takes place in Sumpter, OR at the old Crescent Mine. I've been to Sumpter, it's a cool town. A Texas oilman is re-opening the mine looking for gold. There are about 8 miners, all hit hard by unemployment and the economy. They are there to feed their families. Miners are very superstitious, especially the underground ones. They aren't too happy to have a couple of paranormal investigators around. Especially one with red hair. They are pretty rude to them in episode 1, and make their feelings known. They don't want them near the mine when they mining. They thought the paranormal folks would only go in after the shifts are over. They are quite rude, but underground mining is a very dangerous occupation. Sumpter has a huge dredge that was used in the late 1800's that is still on-site. A local Native American believes the whole town is cursed because of the scars done to the land by the dredge.

I've watched the first 3 episodes, and I'm liking it. One old miner is working, and hears 3 distinct knocks. He calls them Tommy Knockers, and when he hears these knocks, he's gone. He says," let's get the hell out of here." And I mean he leaves the site. He refuses to ever set foot in there again. He says there are good Knockers and bad. He thinks these are bad. Patrick and Kristen, (the paranormal folk), are getting evidence quickly. They have cameras set up, so they can watch as the miners work. The paranormal crew goes into to where the miners were and start an EVP session. They are hearing all kinds of things. Sounds of metal clashing, sounds of someone walking, when they are the only ones there. They also discover a new cave-in, proving the Tommy Knocker and the old miner right. I'm going to stop. I'm not going for play for play, I'm just giving you folks my opinion on these types of shows.

Kristen and Patrick have 25 years experience. The miners are all mostly very experienced. This is the best paranormal show to come on TV since "Ghost Adventures." I mean it's exciting! It's real! It's worth an hour of your time. Today they are showing the first 3 episodes back-to-back at 2pm Eastern. Watch! Great show.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ghost Adventures Latest

After watching Episode 99 of Ghost Adventures, I must say that I've been quite disappointed with this season. Four episodes have been "Best Of," which is kind of a misnomer. Yes, it's the best of several episodes which all have the same theme i.e. "Haunted Hotels," but there is nothing new, except for Zak's commentary. No scenes that didn't make it into the original episodes, nothing "new." Now if you're new to the show is guess this is fine, but if you've been watching from the start, it's very disappointing.

After watching the episode before this last one, I thought "alright, new shows, new places." Then last night, here we go again. I don't know what is happening to the crew internally, but as I've said before I think Nick is burned out. Are they doing this because Nick is leaving the show? Has the Travel Channel chopped the budget? Are they all tired of it and this is going to be it? I have more questions than answers, but let me say this: If Nick does leave, don't replace him. I think Zak and Aaron would be fine with just them investigating. If you look back, I've noticed that Zak and Aaron seem to get the most action in every episode. Aaron has been promoted to 'Investigator," and that was wise. He always seems to get the spirits to rise up. I think it's because of his demeanor. He's a likable guy, and I think spirits are drawn to him. And Zak is the lead investigator, and he's always been a pleasure to watch.

So, I just ask, "What is going on with Ghost Adventures?" Is this it? The next episode will be number 100. Will it be the swan song? I don't know yet. I have Dish, and so far my listings haven't updated so I can see what next week's episode is. I know this show has caused personal problems for all the cast. Maybe they need a break. Or maybe the adventure has come to an end. Either way, I've enjoyed myself, and without them Friday night's will suck. But so do "Best Of" episodes.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Haunting of...

"The Haunting Of..." is a show on the Bio channel featuring Psychic/Medium Kim Russo, and a new celebrity each time that has usually first told their story of a haunting on the show "Celebrity Ghost Stories."

I first saw Kim Russo a few years back on "Paranormal State." I can't remember the episode, but I think she has only been used by Ryan Buell and company one time. Kim claims that she actually sees ghosts, and talks with them silently. She and the celeb arrive separately at the site of the haunting, and sometimes this is a haunting that has happened before they were famous, although not always. I remember 2 episodes I saw, one with Regis Philbin and one with Gina Gershon. Both were quite interesting. I think Regis is quite the skeptic at first. But towards the end when Kim names some names that only he and people very close to him would know, I think he changed his mind. Now I'm not saying that everything that Kim uncovers couldn't be found somewhere, but I think she won him over. Kim is quite interesting, and a lot of times is greeted by the spirits of the location before she even gets there. If she is the real deal, it must be a very hard existence. I mean, imagine everywhere you go, you see spirits, and they all want to talk to you at the same time, because they know she can see and hear them. The Gina Gershon episode was pretty good too, although all of things that Kim uncovered could be found in public records. This haunting happened while Gina was in New York, going to college. Since I've only seen 2 shows, and they are not showing new shows right now, I will say I've spent time on things a lot worse. Kim is quite likable. And the celebrities usually are fairly famous. So I give it 3 1/2 stars.

I may revisit this later on when new episodes appear, if they do. It airs on Bio on Saturdays at 10 pm Eastern. I want to believe Kim is the real deal, I really do. If not, she should be an actress. Sometimes while watching "Paranormal State," and Ryan is being an ass, I sing the intro of the Beatles song, "I'll Get You," when Lennon is singing "Oh Yeah Oh Yeah," except I substitute "Bullshit Bullshit." Try it sometime. One show I really sing along with is "The Ghost Hunters." I don't know if any of these shows are real, and I'm not sure spirits are real. I'm becoming a skeptic myself. The TV has been inundated with paranormal shows, a new one appearing almost weekly. I will continue to be open, but I sure would like to go to a haunted location with a pro, and see it with my own eyes. As a child I think I was haunted by a spirit, but I can't say for sure. So I'll continue singing "Bullshit Bullshit" when I watch and see something that is crap. Maybe someday I'll be proved wrong. I also think My brother who died of Alzheimer's came back after he died, giving me goosebumps, and I could hear pacing every night in his old room. (he moved in with me so I could care for him.)  One day something fell of a shelf that was not gravity, and it pissed me off. So I said, "Ted you're dead! Look for a white light. Look for a white light and go through it!" He hasn't been back.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


I know that this is a sci-fi show, but having just watched the series finale, I felt I had to mention it. Fringe is about a government group that has the utmost clearance, and to most people it does not exist. It investigates odd occurrences. I by odd, I mean weird, sometimes almost paranormal happenings.

I have watched this show since it first came on TV, since 2008. It was one of the greatest TV shows of all time, in my humble opinion. Kudos to the actors we feel in love with, and to the writers who took this series to the extreme. I will be honest, I cried like a baby at the end. I will really miss this show. It became part of my Friday nights for 5 years. Incredible! The finale has truly left me speechless. From the special effects, to the set design, to the instruments etc. that looked so real. I think I know one reason Fox had to end it. I bet it cost a fortune to shoot. It had such realism, you forgot that these type of things don't exist. I am not going to write about all the things that happened in the last 5 years because it would take me weeks. From the acting to the props, this show was top-notch.

So, I'd suggest buying the box set when it comes out. It would be prudent to see this from the beginning. I really hope that Fox goes all out, and releases the whole thing on Blu-Ray. I begging you Fox, release the whole thing as a box set in Blu-Ray. I'll be waiting. And so should you...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Dead Files

Another show on the Travel Channel is called "The Dead Files." This is based on the idea of putting a psychic/medium and a former policeman together, both investigating the site separately, then coming together in the end to compare notes.

Amy Allen is the psychic/medium, and Steve DiSchiavi is a former NYPD homicide detective. What makes it interesting is both come across as very credible. Amy is able to actually see dead people, and communicate with them. I will say that she seems very real, even feeling the pain the dead felt when they died. If she is an actor, she should be on the Silver Screen. Her expressions are at times priceless. If she pulling one over on us, damn she needs an Oscar. Steve is the real thing too. You can detect his accent, and I have a feeling he was a very good detective. He investigates and gathers facts. Facts on who lived and died there, and any other truthful things he can uncover. Also on the show is Amy's hubby, Matt Anderson. He is the "cleaner." He goes to the site before Amy and removes or covers up anything that might be leading. What I mean is, anything that might help her. It essentially makes her blind. Except if she is in a location that you can't remove things, such as a prison. He also follows Amy during her investigation, filming her on a Handy Cam. He also asks her questions that all of us watching may want to know the answer to.

The episode I last saw was them at the New Mexico State Penitentiary (now closed). An actress was involved with filming there. She was experiencing failing health, and her home was now haunted after the shoot. Her big mistake was finding a hat at the site, bringing it home for her kids to play with. Shortly after, she began seeing a shadow figure, and her health declined. She made the cardinal mistake of trying to burn the hat in her fireplace. She thought the bad associated with the hat would go up in smoke, and out the roof. I guess burning an attached object is actually the worst thing you can do. Amy also sensed she had some psychic abilities, compounding the haunting. Amy investigated both the prison and her home. This is where she saw the "shadow devil." Gotta love it. She had never seen anything like it. In the mean time, Steve talked to ex-prison guards and an ex-con. This was also the site of one the worst riots in US prison history. He also found out that the site the prison was built on was the site of a horrible Indian battle. Amy thought that the ground was cursed even before that.

Long story short, Steve leaves it up to Amy to tell the people if they are in danger, and what to do. What makes it real is that I believe Steve didn't believe in ghosts until he met Amy. She will start giving details that match up with the facts he has gathered. While it is possible that all this is crap, and that Amy could know the story, I have a hard time believing Steve would jeopardize his standing, all for a TV show. But then again, money can make people do a lot. During the show Amy also has a sketch made of the most prevalent ghost, or the most dangerous thing she encounters. The last 15 minutes of this hour-long show is the "Reveal." I won't give anymore away. I'd suggest watching and judge for yourself. If it is a scam, there are many poorly made shows on the paranormal that don't deserve an hour of your life. I think this one does. It shows on Friday, at 10pm Eastern. They stick it in between Ghost Adventure episodes. Let me say that it makes for a good night of viewing on Fridays if you're home. After watching the last season of "The Ultimate Fighter" where all the contestants really didn't do any fighting, and mostly laid on each other for 5-minute rounds, you'd be better off watching the Travel Channel. I think they moved Ultimate for the new season from Fridays, probably because these shows were better than real-life fights. Just saying...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Ghost Hunters Addendum

Adding to my last post, I forgot a few things. I forgot to mention the cast of characters that make up the crew helping Jason and Grant. To be honest, I can only remember two other cast members. Tango and Amy, (I think). Tango seems like a nice guy, but there's a man with a beard that usually accompanies him. He is NOT likable in any way. He comes across as a conceited know-it-all. I cannot remember his name. Since all my research comes from ONLY watching the episodes, he will remain nameless. But I think he has been with the gang from the beginning. Amy is a likable person that comes across on the screen well. I think she was pregnant during the filming of the last new episodes. Kudos for investigating while pregnant. One episode that sticks out from this time is when the spirits are harassing her. Cannot remember where they were. But my point is I think I don't remember the names of the others because there is nothing memorial about them.

So to wrap up this gang, I did watch a re-run last week. If you go into watching this show taking a humorous slant, it can be funny. I mean laugh out loud funny. And remember also that they once used a Geiger Counter in an investigation. Kind of sums up their various mistakes and misuse of equipment. So as far as real ghost hunting I can only give them a 2 out of five stars. Throw in the unintentional comedy and they are up to a three. New episodes without Grant are on the way. I don't think it will make a difference either way. Next week I'm looking into The Dead Files.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ghost Hunters

Started in 2003, Ghost Hunters began with Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson. I don't know exactly what caused them to start T.A.P.S., but they worked together for Roto-Rooter. Grant recently retired from Ghost Hunters, but Jason continues on with Ghost Hunters and keeping his day job as a plumber. Got to give him props.

The TV series began in 2004 on Sci-Fy network. T.A.P.S. stands for The Atlantic Paranormal Society. They have a fairly large crew and investigate people's homes as well as larger institutions. They have a boatload of equipment, and each investigation compiles many, many hours of data which sometimes take many hours to go through. And to their credit, they admit sometimes they don't get ANYTHING that can be considered paranormal. They also try to debunk any evidence they gather.

The network calls the show a docu-soap, as they show conflicts and the personal lives of the crew members.    It's a decent show, but I have a few gripes. It seems that they don't investigate very long. Either this could be due to the fact that they had to go work the next day, or they just don't like to stay up late. Jason usually calls an end to the investigation, and sometimes this has been as early as midnight. Since 3am is considered the anti-hour, this seems to me to be way too early. This is why Ghost Adventures has them beat hands down. Who knows the evidence these folks have missed? I mean come on, what gives? As the show gained popularity, I know that Jason and Grant didn't really have to go to work. Jason still works as an honorary member of Roto-Rooter. Which means he can come and go as he pleases.

I believe success can be detrimental. In the beginning they had headquarters in a trailer behind Jason's house. They had one van. By the second season they acquired new vehicles and, more equipment, and a storefront. It seems to me that would be inspirational. But instead it has made them slackers. The show reached syndication. I know they have made money. Why not throw every thing in and investigate all night? It frustrates me.

In 2011 the show was renewed for an 8th season, making it the longest running reality series on the network. The new shows after this have been fairly sparse. I think in Jan. 2013 they will be airing new shows again. But they have lost me, and I think they have lost themselves in the process. Critics have cited numerous errors the team has made. Which really means, even after all this time they don't know what in the hell they are doing. So is it surprising that they don't get evidence? I feel you must treat spirits like people, after all they were at one time. You have to show respect. They have all this scientific equipment and don't know how to use it. The funniest quote I've read about these guys is,  "you may own the world's most sophisticated thermometer, but if you are using it as a barometer, your measurements are worthless. Just as using a calculator doesn't make you a mathematician, using a scientific instrument doesn't make you a scientist."

I will close by saying that if you want to watch folks who are stumbling through an investigation, this is the show for you. It can be comical at times. And some of their crew members can be people you love to hate. Showing reruns right now, but new shows are supposed to be shown on Wed. at 9pm Eastern, on the Sci-Fy Network.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ghost Adventures

Ah, the Ghost Adventures Team. Arguably the best crew on TV. In 2004 they got some of the most compelling evidence of a brick literally lifting off the ground and flying at high speed through the air. This occurred at the Goldfield Hotel in Goldfield Nevada.

Zak Bagans and Nick Groff started this adventure together. They then hired Aaron Goodwin as a camera tech. What separated these guys from the pack is there were no camera crews, they very rarely use flashlights, and they literally stay on-site from dusk until dawn. The only way they can see is night-vision from their digital video cameras, peering through the LCD screen.

Due to his popularity for the faces he makes when something paranormal happens, Aaron has since become part of the investigative crew. These 3 guys have mostly given these investigations everything they have, and are on the cutting edge as far as using new equipment. And by spending the night, they usually get something. You have to realize that to do an hour show, you have to have something to show or hear. A lot of times they may only get a minute and a half of actual evidence. That leaves a lot of time to fill. But these guys can be really funny, and in no way is it hard to watch.

Episodes to watch for are the ones from Bobby Mackey's in Wilder, Kentucky. I think they have been there twice. I do believe they are never going back. They were followed home by something or someone. Called the 'Gates of Hell," Bobby Mackey's is one scary place. If you don't believe in ghosts, I'd suggest a visit. There is evil lurking there. Aaron's marriage recently ended, and he is blaming things that have followed him home. Even people in the production side have experienced haunting's of their own homes.

While I recommend all of the episodes these guys have put out, the last 3 "new" episodes have been best of type of shows. The best haunted hotels, the best haunted hospitals, etc. Kind of disappointing if your a fan. I'd also like to say that I feel Nick has lost his desire. I think he has been through hell at times, and this year he doesn't seem to be in the game. It would be sad to lose him, but I would understand if he quit the show. I don't know if they have run out of places to go, if their budget has been cut or what, but most of the shows from 2012 were a bust.

So, I recommend all the early episodes up to about number 90. I think they are at about 95 in episode numbers. Also, you have to see the brick flying in the 2004 documentary. It is quite unreal. Probably can be found on You Tube. Maybe they need to step back and catch their breath. It's been quite a ride for these three guys, and maybe enthusiasm has waned. I do hope not, but considering that things have followed them home, maybe they have had enough. They have captured more evidence than any TV crew. These guys have become pros right before our eyes, and I wish them the best if indeed they have had enough.

Their show can be seen on the Travel Channel on Fridays at 9pm Eastern. That is when new shows are supposed to run, but they show reruns on Fridays also, and also Saturday's from 7pm to about 1am. I say give them a try. Watch the faces Aaron makes before he's about to crap his pants. These guys are the tops as far as TV shows about the paranormal goes. Their Ghost Adventures have become OUR Ghost Adventures.